-do you wan't to be my girlfriend-

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Pablo PoV:
I put Sofia in my bed and I lay down next to her. I'm on my phone and Sofia stares straight ahead.

Pablo: Heyy are you worried about something?

She doesn't respond.

Pablo: Do you mind that I saw you naked, you didn't want that? I had to because otherwise you would still be lying there.

Sofia: No no that's not it.

Pablo: Oh okay, but what is going on?

She turns to me and looks me in my eyes.

Sofia: Listen, I just really don't feel very well right now because of the fainting.

Pablo: No I get it, you fell hard with your head against the wall, Let me see if I see anything.

Sofia Lays her head on my lap and closes her eyes for a moment. I look at her head and see a huge bump on her head. I press lightly on it to see if it hurts. ouch she says softly.

Pablo: Stttt it's okay

I give her a hug.

How can it come that you fainted.

She doesn't answer at first, so I look at her. She gets tears in her eyes.

Sofia: As you know my mother died of cancer, sometimes I get flashbacks of when she was alive and at that moment I panic and pass out. Now I was in the shower and your shower gave me so many memories of my mother.

I look at her and I don't know what to say. I give her a really tight hug and she bursts into tears in my arms.


I hear Pedri coming home and I'm still lying in my bed with Sofia.
We have been in bed for 1.5 hours, but sofia has a lot of headaches and I don't want to leave her alone.
Hello I hear pedri yelling.

Pablo: Heyy here we are in my room.

Pedri walks into my room and sees us lying there.

Pedri: You are cute together

I don't respond to him and look at Sofia. I see she fell asleep.

Pedri: I only now realize that you 'Pablo Gavira' have seen my sister naked says pedri.

Pablo: OMG PEDRI! I had to help her, you said so yourself and moreover I didn't really see her at all because I immediately put a towel around her.

Pedri smiles and says.

Pedri: It was just a joke, I think it's very sweet that you take such good care of her, but if you had seen her naked for another reason, I would have accepted it.

I look at Pedri and burst out laughing.


Pedri: Yes I know that but that will soon change when I see how crazy you are about each other.

I punch pedri on the arm and pedri walks away laughing.
I look at Sofia one more time and crawl closer to her. I kiss her head and go back to what I was doing.


Sofia pov:
It is now 3 days later and I am home alone with Pablo. Pedri left yesterday for a football match abroad.
Pablo and I lie together and his bed and watch the game. We lie comfortably together and kiss every now and then. At a certain point the kissing gets more and more intense and I have no idea how Pedri plays football anymore.
I lie on Gavi and he starts kissing my neck. I feel something hard on my stomach. I look at Pablo and know what it is. Pablo takes off my pants. His hands slide over my butt to my chest.
Pablo pushes me over so that I'm under him.
He takes off his pants and looks deep into my eyes.

Pablo: If you're not ready for it, you have to say it, then it will come at another time.

Sofia: Pablo I'm more than ready for this.

Pablo starts kissing you again over your neck to your stomach and lower and lower.
You don't know what's happening to you, but you enjoy it. I won't go into further details because I'm sure you all know what happens next 😏


It is now the next day, you and Pablo are already in bed because you are tired and want to sleep. It's around 1 o'clock and Pablo has already fallen asleep, you can't sleep so walk to Pablo's balcony.
You stare out a little, after a while you feel someone wrap their arms around you. You look around and you see that it's Pablo.

Pablo: Heyy what's up?

Sofia: Oh nothing I just couldn't fall asleep.

Pablo: Oh okay.

You 2 stand on the balcony for a while, but at a certain point Pablo starts to talk.

Pablo: Uhhh Sofia I had a question. You really are the sweetest person I've ever met and I really don't know what to do without you, maybe this is all going  a little fast but do you want to be my girlfriend.

Sofia: Yesss of course I want to be your girlfriend Pablo. You really are the nicest boy I have ever met and you are so caring for me. Pablo looks at you and you smile at each other, at that moment he kisses you and then you go back to bed. Pablo hugs you and says.

Pablo: Sofia you know I really love you very much. You look at him and say,

Sofia:I love you too Pablo!

and you kiss him on the cheek.

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