"What are you up to baby, why are you smiling like that, i know that smile which is on your face, poor eye..." Said mew inside his head

Mew :- come inside...

Gulf :- ohhh hey you must be eye, the girl i met last time...

Eye :- yes!! and you...

Gulf :- ohh my bad, sorry for last time, i didn't get a chance to introduce myself so hi I'm Gulf Kanawut... 'with a sweet smile but poisonous tone'

Eye :- hi gulf nice to meet you again...

Zee :- 'fake simle' hmm let's go to the dinning area, food is ready...

While settling in the dinning table everyone looks at the gulf for some reaction as they all know he is jealous seeing mew with that bitch but to the shocked gulf was behaving in a good manner which is more dangerous than anything...

Gulf excuses himself to check on food as he is up to something, he went to the kitchen where maids are ready to take food out, gulf tells them to leave the kitchen for a few minutes as he has to make something special for the guest...

Where saint win are looking at their boyfriends with sympathy look like they know what is going to happen with them which makes bright zee uneasy...

Bright :- phi I'm not getting good vibes...

Zee :- me too,look at them 'pointing to the win saint' the look on their faces making me uneasy...

Bright :- due you think p'gulf blame us...

Zee :- i don't think but I'm sure the gulf will blame us for this bitch...

Bright :- let's hope for the best...

On other side

Win :- they are going to be kicked out today for sure...

Saint :- hmm, look at their faces win they are looking like scare puppy...

Win :- phi will not leave them, these idiots should stop p'mew...

Saint :- agreed but they let this bitch come especially when gulf doesn't like her...

Win :- they dig their own graves...

Saint :- R. I. P...

Eye :- hmm, babe did you think about my offer...

Mew :- no, my answer is still the same...

Gulf returned with food and with the help of maids he started putting food on the table while he gave different foods to saint and win...

Gulf :- let's start, food is getting cold, hmm smelling delicious... 'smiling innocently'

They all start putting food in their plates while the saint win sharing look while looking at the gulf with a mysterious look as if they know something is coming up...

As expected just after taking the first spoon of food in their mouths eye, mew, bright and zee where looking like the soul left their bodies because food is extremely spicy and salted, so they immediately split out the food...

Eye :- what the hell is it so spicy, i can't eat this food... 'in horrifying tone'

Mew :- water... 'looking at who is smirking evilly while making innocent face'

Bright :- it's burning... 'looking at win'

Zee :- can somebody please give me milk or honey... 'looking at a saint who shakes his head in no'

Gulf :- 'innocently' ohh what worng happened eye why did you split food, you don't like the taste...

Eye :- it's spicy...

Gulf :- no it's not that spicy, I'm having the same food or you can ask win saint they don't like spicy food right guys... 'with smirk'

Saint/win :- 'with evil smirk' right...

Eye :- I'm not lying, you guys can ask them...'in a shaking voice'

Gulf :- 'fake simle' ohh girl don't be shy, i know food is delicious, wait i will feed you...'innocently'

Eye :- gulf no i don't want to eat this spicy food...

Gulf :- eye is not spicy, let me come there to feed you... 'with evil smirk'

Saint/win :- that's a great idea... 'with wink'

Eye :- nooooooooo.....

Hope you like this chapter....

See you in the next chapter...

Bye take care...

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