|9| Mine.

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Nevarro. It reminds you of home, and not in the good way.

You hug the baby close to your chest. "How long are we here?"

"Just to do the exchange." Din senses your unease, "You are safe with me." He places his hand on the small of your back and guides you into an old canteen.

The hairs on the back of your neck stand up as you take in all manner of eyes on you, some noticeably less friendly than others. How many people are thinking about testing their luck with a Madalorian right now? A few look down to where Dins arm rests on your back and whisper to each other, you can't help shake the feeling of unease about it - you are trying to act casual when a booming voice makes you jump.

"Mando!" An older man in very nice clothes shouts as he steps in to the room. "Right on time, as usual. But I wouldn't expect less from the best." He says as he approaches, loud enough you think he's actually saying it more to everyone in the room and not Din. You can feel the tensions shift as everyone in the room with a blaster on their hip is annoyed by the statement.

"Karga." Din greets him with a nod.

"Oh and you brought the baby!" Karga reaches out and shakes the babies little hand. "But this-this is new." He reaches a hand out to you. "Who is this lovely creature?"

Not wanting to be rude you take his hand. "Y/N."
Instead of shaking it he lifts it to his mouth and places a kiss on your knuckles. You almost break a smile until you see Din turn to stone next to you.

"You poor thing, made to slum it with this ruffian - if you ever tire of sleeping in a closet, Nevarro would be made brighter by your presence." Karga winks at you as he releases your hand. Bold moves considering the stare down he's getting right now from a certain hunter.

"The exchange." Din's voice is harsh.

Karga laughs, "Always business with this one. My men are unloading your cargo as we speak." He turns to you, "Come, have a drink with me - your companion always turns me down, I would enjoy the company."

You look at Din and he gives a small nod. You follow Karga to a booth in the corner, Din sits with his back to the wall and you scoot in next to him across from Karga as he orders a round.

"So tell me," he says leaning towards you, "how does one as heavenly as yourself come to travel with this tin grump?". He not so subtly looks you up and down.

"I uh- fix things. And babysit, I guess." You glance down at the baby who is investigating some cat like creature under the next table. "I get off world, he gets an extra set of hands."

"I bet." He says, laughing.

Din is not as amused, his hand grabs your thigh strong enough you feel a bruises starting at each of his fingers. "Pucks." He barks out.

Karga just grumbles at him, and pulls a stack of pucks from his jacket pocket. "5 pucks." He pulls a bag of credits from the other pocket, and slides the lot of it towards Din. "And payment for these ones."

Din grabs them and tucks them into his pack.

"He always this fun?" Karga gestures at Din, while smiling at you.

"Barrel of laughs." You smile back, finishing your drink.

"We should be on our way." Din gives your thigh a squeeze.

"Thank you, Karga." You say, climbing out of the booth and scooping up the kid.

"Please, my friends call me Greef." He gives you a wink.

You are in utter disbelief when Din stands up next to you, stares right at Karga and drapes his arm casually around your shoulders, other hand resting on his holster. The public display sets your whole body ablaze. Karga just smirks as Din stares him down.

Trying to break the tension you smile sweetly "it was nice meeting you."

"The pleasure was all mine." Karga replies, "bye baby." He waves at the little one in your arms who coos back at him. Din doesn't say a word - just Nods and guides you out of the canteen, a trail of hurried whispers in your wake.

"Well, Greef seems nice." say with a coy smile, feeling bratty, as you turn down the alley back to the ship. 

Mando stops in his tracks. "Don't call him that."

"What?" You tease. "He's my friend now too."

"Friends respect what's not theirs. Karga doesn't want to be your friend."

"Not theirs?" You spin around to face him raising your eyebrows. Are you implying I belong to someone here? You poke him playfully in the chest - "Am I property? Who's am I then? Because I don't recall—"
Mando steps into your space, causing you to retreat until your back pressed into the cold stone of the building.

He reaches up and grabs your face. When you smile up at him he squeezes, pressing your cheeks in until your lips purse up. A sting bites into your cheeks as they press into your teeth and it brings heat to your cheeks and your flutter your eyes at him, chest heaving. He leans in to your ear, voice dropping low enough it cuts out of the modulation and you hear it clear and full -


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