Chapter 11: Ice Rink in September

Start from the beginning

"I don't know. He just told me to come over and be ready to go out." I finished the final touches on my make up and stepped back looking in the mirror. I had chosen a green cowl neck dress, with simple gold necklaces layered. My hair was in big bouncy curls, "Can I FaceTime you really quick? I need the Megan stamp of approval."

She didn't even answer, immediately FaceTiming me. I walked over and set the phone on my dresser walking back a bit so she could see the dress fully.

"Wow! You look incredible M! Green's always been your color. I love it." She smiled and I walked over smiling big at her through the phone.

"Thank you. I'm nervous." I bit my lip and she hid her face in her hands.

"Maia,...are you going to sleep with him?" She said this lowly and my eyes widened quickly picking up my phone.

"Meg, stop."

"What? It's a possibility I want you to be prepared for!" She said, and I shook my head.

"Megan, he only kissed me because we teased each other about it. I don't think he would head in that direction unless I opened that door first. And I don't know if I want that. He's leaving in two weeks....I don't want to get attached in that way." I bit my lip, sitting on my bed.

"Yeah....I guess you're right about that. His residency really just flew by didn't it?"

"I guess that's what happens when you waste time disliking someone." I shrugged and took a deep breath, "Anyways, I really should go. But don't forget, tomorrow, he's having everyone over again. So, I'll meet you at his place."

"Look at me, invited twice to Harry Styles home. Who would of thought?!" She laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Love you Meg, I'll talk to you later."

"Love you! Bye, M."

I headed out down the hall and my dad was sitting at the couch. He looked up at me, and smiled a bit.

"You look nice Maia."

I smiled and licked my lip, "Thanks dad." I looked down as my phone went off, with a text from Harry.

H: are you ready?

M: yeah i was going to head over right now.

H: why? when i'm already downstairs waiting. ;)

I bit back a smile and peeked up at my dad, "Um, Harry's here. So imma head out. Don't wait up okay?"

He pressed his lips together in a small smile and nodded, "Okay. Be careful. Love you."

"Love you too dad. Bye." I smiled before turning towards the door, grabbing a jacket from the hall closet just in case.

When I got to the lobby of my building I walked out, Harry was leaning against a black car. He had on a navy denim like suit, with a white muscle tank underneath. His hair was messily arranged on the top of his head, and he looked incredibly handsome.

I smiled at him as I walked over, and he closed the distance between us.

"Hi beautiful." he said, tucking a loose curl behind my ear.

"Hi Haz." I blushed slightly, and he leaned down and gave me a soft kiss.

"Perfect landing." He whispered and I chuckled.

"A real world star." I whispered back.

He licked his lip as he smiled, pulling away from me to open the door for me, "Shall we?"

"I don't even know where we are going?" I said shaking my head.

"That's the fun of it Maia, you said yourself, you like surprises. Well I like adventures and they go hand in hand."

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