Part 1

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Hi! I'm Delilah, and I'm eight years old. Well, at least I would have been. You see the Christmas before I turned six Mommy, Daddy and I were on our way to West Virginia from our home in the little thumb of the mitten. The morning before the accident Mommy woke me up really early.

"Honey, time to get up. Hurry and get your pillow and blanket for the car."

"The car? Where are we going mommy?"

"Were going to Grandmas, Silly. Remember I told you yesterday."

"Grandmas? Oh yeah!" I jumped out of bed real fast and put on my bunny slippers. Mommy got my pillow for me and I ran out of my room real fast looking for Daddy.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

"Well look who's finally awake! Did you get your blankey and Mr. cuddles?" this made me stop dead in my tracks. How could I of forgot Mr. cuddles?! I had to run back to my room and get him.

"Whoa! Slow down Delilah. You could really get hurt running around like that."

"Sorry Mommy!"

I hurried and got Mr. cuddles and walked back out to Daddy and asked him to pick me up. Daddy carried me to the car and put me in my brand new car seat that was in the middle of the back seat. I'm really small for my age, so I'm still in that dumb baby car seat thing. After putting me in the car they went and got in and off we went. It had been snowing all week so the roads were really icy and Daddy had to drive really slow until we got on the highway. Sitting in the back I was playing with Mr. cuddles and watching movies. When I got bored with that I would start playing with the strap thing across my chest. (Remember that, its important.) I'd move it up and down, the part that hooks together in baby seats. Then I would play with Mr. Cuddles again.

While we're just sitting here I'll tell you about Mommy and Daddy. My mommy has really pretty blond hair, and big green eyes. Her check bones are really high and big, her skin is lightly kissed by the sun, and she doesn't even wear a lot of make up. Daddy doesn't have that weird dad bod people talk about. He goes to the gym at least three times a week. He has really soft dark brown hair that he shaves on the sides and let's grow out on top. Mommy's friends call him the "Hottie of the Office." Whatever that means

It was starting to get dark because of a storm, and Daddy was getting sleepy. I dropped my bunny and was crying for Mommy to get him. She tried and tried, but she couldn't reach him. So she unbuckled and turned around. Daddy had just come back from his driving cat nap and looked at Mommy to see what she was doing. I guess while he wasn't watching the road he went into the other lane. Suddenly the car changed directions, and there was a crashing sound from breaking glass. I jolted forward really hard and my seat belt came lose. The road got bumpy and we went threw the Gard rail. The car started going in circles throwing us upside down and all around. I hit my head over and over on the walls of my seat and then everything went black. Mommy got thrown into the dash board and hit her head on the window. The air bag went off and she hit the seat with her belly. Daddy was still buckled up so he didn't get to hurt cause the air bag stopped him. But he did get his face cut a little from glass.

I closed my eyes screaming as we went over the hill, but when I opened them I wasn't in the car. I was looking down at it like I was in the air or something, but people can't fly. I ran over to Mommy and she was bleeding really bad, from the head, the arm, from her belly, and from her leg.

"Mommy? Mommy wake up. Wake up Mommy!" I tried to shake her but my hand went right threw her arm. I looked up and I saw lights flashing at the top of the hill. Guys were running down trying not the fall. Two had this bed on wheels. They had to cut Mommy and Daddy out of the car. I fallowed them back up the hill with my yellow blanky and bunny. We climbed up into the big Ambulance and I put Mr. cuddles in Mommy's lap. She was still sleeping and Daddy was sitting beside her holding gauze to his face. She has this thing holding her head still. And she was all strapped down like she was goanna jump up and run away at any moment. When we got to the hospital they opened the doors and I jumped out of the back. They put Daddy in a wheel chair, and rushed Mommy inside. I decided to stay with Daddy because I didn't know where they took Mommy.

Five hours later they let Daddy go to see Mommy. When we went in she had all these tubes and stuff coming out of her, but Mr. cuddles was still on her lap. She was in the hospital for four months. I never left her side. Every time I got near her this big noisy box would go off. All the nurses would run in, I would back up and it stopped. I just wanted to lay with Mommy and make her feel better, but I couldn't and that made me very sad. I would sit outside Mommy's room and cry all night. The nurses would go searching the halls to find who was crying, but they just keep running past me. Can they not see me?

When Mommy finally went home, all she would do was sit in our rocking chair. I don't know why, but she didn't even have the T.V. on. I decided I was just going to go take a nap so I went and opened my door and climbed into bed. Not to long after Mommy came to my room, looked around like she was looking for someone, shook her head and shut the door going back to our chair. Mommy didn't smile anymore, her friends never came over, and she didn't even talk to Daddy. All she did was sit. She even fell asleep in the chair. When she did I would go and cover her up with my yellow blanky, she looked so cold.

Daddy wasn't doing to good either, he started letting his hair grow out, it was all messy. He started drinking this brown stuff that smelled really bad, and tasted worse. He would even stay out all night long by himself. Mommy's friends came over and tried to cheer her up and get her to go out with them. Mommy never came home that night, and I slowly began to see them less and less. Where were they going? what were they doing? Am I invisible, can they not hear me?

Its been two years since I saw Mommy last. Her belly is really big. I wonder what happened? She was getting ready to go somewhere, but I don't know where. Daddy came out of their room and kissed her on the cheek.

"Are you ready for your doctor's appointment yet?" he asked her.

Doctors? Why is Mommy going there? She's okay isn't she? Shortly after, they left and didn't come back for a few hours. When they got home I went threw her purse and found a bunch of blurry black and white pictures. They look like babies! Is Mommy going to have a baby? Did she forget about me? I ran to my room and slammed the door shut. Mommy came running in to see what happened and I was crying. She could hear me, cause she yelled for Daddy.

"Can you hear that Donald?"

"Hear what? I don't hear anything."

"It's Delilah. She's crying."

"Honey, Delilah has been gone for two years. There's no way she's crying."

"I hear her. She's here I promise."

"Okay whatever you say."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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