Teaching English

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Art credit: SAD-ist

— A year later, Ranboo's 5th birthday —

XD smiled and entered his sorta of son's room, "Good morning Ran!— Hm?" XD paused and noticed the small enderman drawing on the floor, which was made out of endstone turned into bricks. XD wanted him to be comfortable, so the room was themed to be like the end. XD crouched down to the boy, "⍙⊑⏃⏁ ⏃⍀⟒ ⊬⍜⎍⎅⍀⏃⍙⟟⋏☌?" (What are you drawing?) He asked, the little enderman slid the drawing over "⋔⊬ ⎅⍀⟒⏃⋔! ⍙⟒ ⍙⟒⍀⟒ ⏚⍜⏁⊑ ⟟⋏ ⏃ ⎐⟟⌰⌰⏃☌⟒ ⏃⋏⎅⊬⍜⎍ ⍙⍜⋏ ⏃'⍜⏁ ⍜⎎ ⌿⌰⎍⌇⊑⟟⟒⌇!" (My dream! we were both in a village and you won a'ot of plushies!) He exclaimed. XD smiled, what a innocent dream must have been done by HD, "⋔⏃⊬⏚⟒ ⌇⍜⋔⟒⎅⏃⊬ ⍙⟒'⌰⌰ ⎅⍜ ⟟⏁ ⎎⍜⍀ ⍀⟒⏃⌰." (Maybe someday we'll do it for real.) XD whispered and picked up Ranboo, "Your going to learn some English today ran!" XD exclaimed and teleported him to his work place. 

Ranboo was sat down on a chair in front of a board, papers on a table in front of him along with quills, markers and other writing utensils. "Most mortals know their main language by now but Ranboo can't speak enderman in the overworld nobody would understand him." XD thought and began to write the English alphabet, then enderman below it "☊⍜⌿⊬ ⏁⊑⏃⏁⎅⍜⍙⋏ ⍀⏃⋏" (Copy that down Ran) XD said looking back towards Ranboo who was confused but slowly wrote the English alphabet above his enderman. "Write your name in English Ranboo!" Ranboo nodded and wrote his name mostly in English the o's were in enderman but since a enderman O is O, XD didn't worry about it.

— A long time later —

They had covered the basics for Ranboo to know at his age, "Can you try saying your name in English?" XD had also decided to teach the basic of how to speak English. Ranboo stared at XD, on the brink of tears "Ah- Maybe this was too much for the day! You've been doing very good today though Ranboo." XD comforted Ranboo with a gentle voice. Ranboo smiled and reached out for a hug, "Come on, let's get you something to eat." XD picked up the boy and teleported to a village.

 XD went from his god form to a more human like form and put a cloak over Ranboo, walking over to a villager, he traded for some bread and basic food for the little kid. Ranboo admired the overworld village, "Do you want to explore Ran?" XD asked handing him a piece of fresh warm bread. Ran smiled and quickly finished the bread, getting crumbs all over his clothes "Silly clumsy boy." XD chuckled and brushed some of them off his clothes "Huh? Par!!" Ranboo giggled. XD smiled satisfied with the small boy and put him down, "There's a park over there you can go play. I'll be here." XD said as Ranboo ran to play with villagers and other hybrid kids.

— Half an hour later —

XD looked up from his system overlooking his godly duties to see Ranboo sitting sadly on the playground equipment stairs quietly crying. "Ranboo?- are you alright?" XD said teleporting the system away and teleporting over to Ranboo, comforting the crying boy before he scarred his skin even more than he's had for a few years already. "H-hur.." Ranboo mumbled in some bad English but fair for his third to fourth try at speaking it. 

XD nodded, "Where does it hurt Ran?" He asked gently as Ranboo pointed to his tail and knees. His tail was snapped at the tip glowing purple and his knees bruised and scrapped "Push me" he mumbled pointing up at the top of the equipment then dragging his finger back down to ground.

XD sighed and held the tail gently and healed it as Ranboo slowly stopped crying and smiled. "I keep forgetting about how ran's bones glow like fucking glowsticks." XD thought and picked up the enderman, "I wanna go h-home." He stammered. XD nodded and teleported them back home, "Oh hello Kirsten, CN. How may I help you two?" XD said seeing Kirsten and CN looking at a book with a black and white theme on the cover and bind. 

CN jumped and closed the book hiding it behind him, "Oh uh well you see I wanted to see if um..." CN stammered as XD put down Ranboo to approach the two, "Go on CN." He snapped. "I have the book on Ranboo's life!" XD grabbed the book and teleported away from the two.

Word count: 727

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