love can cause things to change...

120 8 14

Feel like a Disney villain!
Do y'all want a happy ending?

Yes ->

No ->

I'm just running a little poll to see who likes happy endings ya know? Research


Take more sadness losers

TWs: regret, heartbreak, jeoulsy

-Tubbos POV-

I walked into school, I looked like a mess, love can really screw you over can't it, I walk down the hallway and saw ranboo talking to some girl... They were getting along like how me and ranboo did... Ugh! I stormed past, ranboo said hi but I didn't bother replying, he kind of broke my heart... Ignoring isn't a way to fix that but whatever!

-Ranboos POV-

I really screwed this all up! Tubbo won't even say hi to me! I get he's heartbroken but doesn't he also know it's hard for me! Ive basically lost my best friend! I huffed
"Ya good ranboo?" Ebony said
"Yea don't worry!" I started staring at tubbo who was putting his books away
"You sure? Your not acting like yourself..."
"Sorry..." I looked away and down at the floor, I felt a hand on my shoulder
"Hey don't apologize, everyone has bad days" she smiled, her smile was cute... Like tubbos...

-Tubbos POV-

I growled as I watched that girl put her hand on ranboos shoulder, he blushed when she did it too! Wait- why am I getting jelouse? He doesn't even like me, I shouldn't be getting jelouse... Tubbo just move on...

Move on...


Word count:246

lover <3 |Platonic Beeduo|Completed|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang