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ᴛᴡs: ɴᴏɴᴇ?

-Tubbos POV-

I think I may have a crush on ranboo... It feels stupid to say so, he's probably straight anyway... I don't even know what I am! I sighed as I continued with my English assessment '*maybe I can write him stupid love letters-*' i chuckled to myself, it's sounds so stupid but I want to do it so badly now, I wrote my last word on my assessment and set it aside for the teacher to collect, I grabbed my English notebook and ripped a piece of paper out, I began writing a cringey love letter for ranboo

To ranboo

I want you to know you are the true reason I believe in love, your beautifulness is way beyond anyone elses

You light up my world

You make my heart flutter ever time you talk

Oh what I'd do to get you to love me back

guess silly ;)

I began giggling like a 12 year old and planned to rush to ranboos locker during class switching time, no one locks their locker so I was safe

-after the lesson-

Ranboo is in math and his teacher keeps them in and extra minute just to inform them about things so this is my time, I rushed to ranboos locker hoping he didn't lock it for some odd reason, to my luck he didn't, I opened the locker and placed the note on top of his bag, '*he will surely see that*' I then began running to my P.E class, oh how I love that P.E class, I really can't wait to get into the actaully cheerleading stuff

Mind has gone blank from what i wrote for the first chapters so yeahhhhhhhh

I slay

I need to stop saying slay- anyway


Word count:304

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