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Vegas's POV

It's been five years now, after I left Thailand and the ghosts of my Past. It's partly thanks to my psychiatrist. Making me realize the truth and pushing me to walk forward in life. If not for him, I wouldn't have been here, living this wonderful life. After I saw Pete's grave, I realized what a selfish human being I was. Not only did I make his life a living hell when he was alive but also after his death. 

But I am trying my best to better myself. It was hard for me in the beginning but after leaving the country and with a new beginning, I finally changed. It was partly because of Build. I smile as I think about him. He made me realize that life is much more beautiful than I had thought initially. I met him when I was doing my part time job at a convenience store and putting my life back together. He was alike a lonesome angel. With him visiting the convenience store frequently, we both became good friends. With each passing day, I opened myself to the kind stranger and soon enough we were more than just friends. 

I walk towards our shared Home with the grocery. I open the door with the passcode. Keeping the groceries on the kitchen counter, I call out Build's name. 

"I am Home Build....." I hear the noise coming from our Living room. I walk towards him as he is sleeping peacefully on the couch with the television still on and playing in the background. I gently kiss him on his cheeks as he flutters his eyes open. 

"You are back?" he asks as he rubs his eyes and yawns cutely.

"Hmm.... You must be hungry. Let me go and prepare lunch real quick." I get up as I kiss him once again and move towards the kitchen. 

I walk past the garbage bags that I forgot to throw out earlier. It stinks really bad in here. 

Vegas walks towards the Kitchen as he starts cutting the vegetables, meanwhile stealing glances at Build every now and then. The voice from the TV is quite loud to be heard in the Kitchen. 

Build watches the news report in shock and disbelief as his photo is displayed alongside his name. "This is the fourth kidnapping this year and it's suspected that the killer will be disposing the dead body of his previous victim. Locals are requested to stay......."

"Why you watching something like that?" Vegas inquires as he walks towards the TV to shut it down. The voice irritating him. 

"Don't believe what these reporters are saying." He says as he looks at Build and then back at the knife in his hand as he proceeds to kiss him and caress his body.

"Mmmmmmm." Build's cries turn into muffled voices because of the tape around his mouth as his shouts go unanswered for the umpteenth time as he slowly looses all his hope of every getting out of this hellhole. 

"Mmmmm." He resists Vegas's advances as he tries pushing him away with the little strength left in him. 


"You like it when I bite you don't you Baby?" Vegas smirks as he leans into Build's neck.

No I don't

Yes I do Love....

Let me go pleaseee

Love me More

A lone tear escapes his eye as he looks at the blood seeping from the garbage bags. Well aware about his future. Vegas shares a toast to Build as they both share a nice dinner together as he promises to Love Build till Death.............


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