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Vegas's POV 

I come back home at around Midnight. The past few days, I had to report to my office because of a emergency and had to work overtime. Everyday that I return late, I find my kitty sleeping on the sofa, waiting for me. 

We aren't able to spend much time together as often as we did before, much less having sex. I miss his cold body against mine. I want to feel his insides again. As I have to leave home early and return late, the only time I see him is when he is asleep. 

I caress his face as I lean to kiss him on his soft lips. He frowns and opens his eyes at the contact of our lips. 

"Umm.... Vegas? You back??" he says as he gives a yawn and then rubs his face. 

"Hmm.... You had dinner?" I ask him as I sit beside him on the sofa. 

"No....I was waiting for you. I missed us eating together." he says as he gives me those puppy eyes that he knows I can't resist.

"Fine, let's eat. Is Ramen fine?" I ask even though I know the answer. 

He nods aggressively. I start preparing Ramen for us Both. 

"You know Vegas...."


"The portrait I wanted to draw......"

"Yes...How's its progress? Is it done? I want to see it so bad."

"A-Actually..... Regarding that... I needed some permission..."

"Permission? Why would you want my permission to draw?" It's absurd considering that I gave Pete all the freedom in the world to do what he wants to and what he deems fit.

"The painting in the hall....Of y-you and y-your ex f-fiancée-"

"Oh that....." Actually if Pete hadn't brought it up then I would have forgotten that such a thing existed in the first place. How very unusual that the portrait I used to glance at every minute of the day before reminiscing about him, is going to be replaced by something new, something better.

Pete stays quiet for a minute or so, probably trying to find the right words.

"Let's remove the old painting. I would much rather you hang the portrait that you painted of us. I want to forget my past anyways. Just throwing it away and replacing it with better things. Thanks to you I have come to appreciate the better things in life Pete." 

"Thanks Vegas. You don't know how much it means to me. Seeing that portrait everyday was eating my soul. I know I shouldn't be having such foul emotions but I just couldn't help it." 

"I know Pete. But don't worry, I am already over my past break up." I smile at him reassuringly as we finish the dinner in peace. 

And yet another week passes. The same old routine. Me bidding farewell to Pete while leaving for Office every morning and coming back home every evening to his smiley face greeting me. Us eating dinner in each others company as we talk about stuff and then going to sleep, cuddling each other till we drift to sleep. 

Life couldn't have been Better. Until.....

"Ring...Ring...." I hang up the buzzing phone on the table as I go back to sleep.

"Vegas..... your phone's been ringing..."

"I know..... Ignore it Baby.." I say as I hug him tighter by his waist. 


"Uhhhh....Who the hell is calling me so early?" Irritated with the continuos ringing, I finally pick up the phone, only to hear the voice of her. 


As soon as I hear that woman's voice, I just throw the phone away as it crashes into the wall and falls into pieces. Pete wakes up by the noise as he looks up at me with a confused expression. 

"What happened Vegas? Everything all right?"

"It's Nothing......"

"Vegas....." He brings his hand closer to my face so that I am facing him, "What happened?" He asks, worry evident in his face.

"Is anything the matter?" He asks further.

"It's......She destroyed our Life....."

He looks more confused now. I never thought I would be saying our story out loud to a third party ever, But here I am. 

"That woman never liked me....She never liked seeing me happy....Never liked me being happy with him.....She was the reason why he left me......If only she didn't manipulate him into leaving me...He....He would still be hear beside me...."

I start sobbing loudly as I clutch Pete's shirt. Staining his shirt with my warm tears. 

"Y-You....."He began speaking, "Never said his name..."

I look at him shocked. His face now void of any emotion and his eyes emotionless as his body stays limp in my arms as I hug him.

"Pete..........." I whisper 

'DingDong' Our moment is cut short by the door bell ringing. I get up to open the door as I walk past our living room, past the same painting, past the same face. 

I open the door to find three policemen standing. They push me aside they step in and start searching my house. As soon as they walk into our bedroom, they stop into their footsteps as they look at Pete. 

"Um...Excuse me...."I utter before one of the policeman brings a handcuff and ties my hand together. 

"W-What are you doing?" I ask as they try taking me out of the room.

"M-My boyfriend is inside....." I push one of the police officer as I walk into the bedroom where Pete is siting in silence.

"P-Pete....It's not as what it seems....These people are misunderstanding me..... D-Don't worry....." The officer comes back as he drags me out...

"I will be back Pete...Wait for me....."


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