3 - Minion

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As you look up to see who or what, the crackling and popping sound gives you your answer as you watch them go down one by one. Their flesh, blood and gore spray onto the window and you wince at the image. "What a shitty day to have eyes," you think. The light goes off and your eyes become fixed on the one thing you can still vaguely see.

Soon, the door busts open and you immediate shoot a glance at the person behind it. The bright shine of the flashlight pointing at you and illuminating your figure almost hurts your eyes, though you're still grateful for two things regardless: A light source and a person. A person in a uniform, mixed with dark green and black with body armor. Clutching a rifle into their hands, they shout, "UP!".

No complaints from you. You get up as fast as you can and slip your shank inside your jumpsuit. "MOVE IT!" The harsh voice barks.

Without hesitation you both start bolting your way out, following the soldier to god knows where. No time to think about that though, either this or join the rest of the bleeding crew.

Flinching and dodging every time one of them comes near you, it's always a big relief when you then see it get its head blown off.

As you both make it outside, you are immediately shoved in the back of a tank. "Hey, what the h-" You manage to get in before the figure slams the back shut.

Darting your head around, a mix of fear and confusion sets in as you realize you're in almost the exact same predicament from mere minutes ago: You're stuck in a small, pitch black room though this time there's no way out and no one to come and rescue you.

You are not alone. You can hear soft, sometimes panicked breathing from across. You wonder, where are they taking you? Maybe a safe base where, but you might've already been told that if that were the case. You know they're not taking you to die, could have stayed in the cell for that one.

"Excuse me," A masculine voice sounding like a young teenager speaks up, "Who are you?"

Continue to 4

L4D AU: Boss and MinionWhere stories live. Discover now