1 - Prologue

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Clattering, rattling are the cell doors. A symphony of screaming and shouting fills the air. Another riot, they think as they squeeze tightly onto their shanks and hope that no one decides to barge into their cells. They curl up into a less visible spot in the room, ready for action.

Yet, something seems odd. Their other half isn't here. Normally, they're always in the same cell. Furthermore, those screams. A cacophany of fear and unintelligable screeches. Not your typical raid, and they don't think hundreds of people all collectively got high on bath salts and started shrieking. Not like this, at least. The riot they went through last time was organized and they could hear discernible dialogue between inmates.

They peer through the cell window, widening their eyes and stumbling back as their jaws drop. A mere second of gazing was enough to take in the sight of blood all over their bodies, pale skin and faces clawed up, scratched and twisted into a constant state of aggression.

"Jesus..." They mumble.

Then, a figure approaching the door catches their eyes.

Who do you choose?

2 ---> Boss
3 ---> Minion

L4D AU: Boss and Minionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن