CH 16 Changes

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Mika's POV-

6 months later

I feel the engine roar and I get a little nervous as I put my hand on the gear shift. I look up to Adrain who is calmly giving me instructions."You can do this love just shift into neutral." I try to and you hear Adrain's truck make a horrible grinding sound. "It's ok love just try pushing down the clutch first this time."

I do and the truck shifts without the horrible noise this time. I smile brightly at A. "Wow that wasn't that hard." A sighs."Ok love now try putting some pressure on the gas try to feel when you need to shift ok." I do and the truck proceeds to die and die again it takes three times before I get the hang of it and then I'm driving. I'm driving slowly in first gear but I'm driving a stick.

I can't believe I have had my license for a couple months now and I'm just learning how to drive a stick. My pops bought me a Range Rover SUV when I got my license so there was no need to learn right away but I really want to drive the Chevelle so I begged Adrain to finally teach me. I guess learning on the truck A finished a week ago isn't that bad but when I get my hands on his baby I'm going to take him for a ride.

I get brave and shift into second and then third until I'm going a nice speed on the empty country road. I can't believe how much my life has changed in the last six months. My ankle has completely healed and I got a teaching job at dance a studio two days a week. So that it doesn't interfere with when I'm not going to school. I don't think I will ever compete again but I love dancing to much to give it up completely it's my passion. So for now I teach and I really love it because I have twenty four access to dance and practice when ever I want.

Adrain asked me to move in with him before the end of summer and of course I did. I was going to have to live with someone at the dorms anyways so I figured I might as well live with the man I love. The condo is close to school and I only have classes three days a week so it's not to much hassle going back and forth but I would have moved in with him regardless.

I love living with Adrain it has been a dream come true so far. It's like I get to spend every day with my best friend everyday. Speaking of best friends Avery has been at the condo a lot because he is the only Flores brother still living at home with his parents until he gets some more steady work. He makes use of the couch most nights. I keep trying to talk Adrain into putting a bed in his office for company but he says that will only encourage them to stay so he never lets me I'm thinking I might just do it anyways.

We have been takin baby steps with Adrain and him opening up to his family. He still won't tell them about Mike so it's hard but they are getting closer and closer every day. My pops and Angel have us over all the time and everyone is starting to build better trust in our relationship.

At first my pops thought I was moving to quickly and should really experience college and not be tied down like he was when he went to college. It was putting a stress on our relationship so I had to sit down with my pops and tell him I'm not him and he can't ask me to give up the man I love because he feels it's not right. After that he relaxed and now he sees that I love Adrain and Adrain loves me and doesn't bring it up anymore.

I pull over and look at a beaming Adrain who leans down and kisses me. "You got it Love you did great shifting and only stalled at first your a natural." I blush at his praise. "Ok well that's on these country roads and we still have to go to your parents house for the BBQ so switch me seats so you can drive into town. I don't want to stall at light or something."

We switch seats on the bench seat of the truck and Adrain drives us toward town and to his parents house. When we pull up I grab the container of cookies I made and we go to the door. Adrain lets us in and we walk through the small house to the back yard where everyone is hanging out.

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