CH 13 Do I have to go ?

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weekend1 thanks for your votes. This chapter is dedicated to you.

Adrain's POV-

I'm laying in bed next to a sleeping Mika and I can't get my mind to slow enough to fall asleep. I look at my alarm clock and it's almost midnight. My hand itches to reach into my drawer and look at the picture of me and Mike. I want to be done with it, I want to tear it up and throw it away. Then at the same time it's been the one memento I have held onto this long I can't bear with parting with it.

I finally give in to temptation and open my drawer and pull out the old picture. I look at it and remember the day it was taken like it was yesterday. Mike was working in his garage and I was helping when my cousin Vince told us to smile and he snapped the picture real quick if us standing shoulder to shoulder next to my car with the engine tore out. We both have grease on our shirts but huge smiles on our faces.

I sigh and jump when Mika answers with his own sigh. I look over at him with his sleepy eyed expression. He sits up and cuddles next to me. "What's up A? Why aren't you asleep?" I show him the picture and he cocks his head as he yawns. "Yeah?"

I put the picture back in the drawer and settle back into bed with Mika. "I feel like I should get rid of it but I just can't." Mika rubs his face on my chest."It's ok A I'm not asking you to get rid of it. When the time is right you will know what to do with it.Whether that's to throw it away or put in a box you will know when the time is right don't try to rush it babe. Now let me try to put you back to sleep."

I laugh but it turns into a groan as Mika slithers his body on top of mine. I feel all the hard planes of his little dancers body. I humm in pleasure as his hands roam my body in return. It's crazy wanting someone so bad it's a new thing to me. I can't get enough of him. When I touch him is whole body shakes like an electrical current passed through him.

Mika finally works his hands down to my cock and starts a soft almost teasing stroke. I start bucking trying to get better friction as he thumbs the slit of my leaking erection.

I cry out when Mika takes his hands away. "Aww." But he quickly replaces it with the hot suction of his wet mouth. "Oh my God." I look down at the obscene picture Mika makes bobbing up and down on my dick with his lips opened obscenely wide on my girth. I start running a hand through his hair and steading his rhythm to a forceful pace to get me off.

Mika pulls off and gasps in lunges full of air. I pull his swollen lips up to mine and devour his mouth in a sloppy kiss. Mika pulls back and rests his forehead against mine. I roll to my side taking Mischa with me and grab the lube out of the drawer. "Do you want to fuck me again Mika?" He shakes his head. "Yes, can I ?" I smile and peck his lips "Of course baby."

I hand him the lube and feel a sticky finger penetrate me tenderly but deeply. I keep eye contact with him the whole time as he slips another finger in me and starts pumping them. I begin to gasp as Mika gets more confident with his ministrations. Finally he pulls his fingers out and lines the head of his dick with my entrance.

I bare down as he slides in and leans over to rests his elbows on either side of my neck. "Oh A this feels even better than last time.I don't know how long I will last." Mika Bucks into me on a hard stroke and I moan out. "Aww."

I smile and grab both of his ass cheeks to pull him into me harder and deeper. I shout in pleasure as he starts to snap his hips brutally. I wish per in his ear. "Don't worry as soon as you cum I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk tomorrow."

I feel Mika's shaft start to spurt inside of me and I squeeze my ass muscles trying to milk more out of him."A do that again oh my god." So I squeeze him again it seems my baby lurks dirty talk. He falls boneless and stated on top of me pulling out a little to quick and I wince.

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