3: Unheard prayer

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The morning awoke you, fresh and new. Today was the big day, and you couldn't have been any more excited.

You had been preparing for this day for sometime. Excitement took over your veins as you tore your covers off your body, and went to go get dressed.

Your body hummed in reply at the amount of energy running through your veins, despite your clear lack of sleep. You simply just couldn't wait.

Finally, after all these years.

You wouldn't be bored anymore.

You would have something to look forward to.

You would have improvement.

You could finally be entertained properly.

Running through your notes for your work, you looked over the text. Scanning and scanning, putting them down, you then reached for your book.

It laid on the desk in front of you and you opened it to the chapter you were on, before yesterday when you pretended to read it. Smiling to yourself, you began where you had left off.

That was until, a knock happened upon your door.

Growing confused you walked to the door where a man in a suit. Sebastian. Stood outside your door bowing.

"I'm terribly sorry for the trouble, but it seems as though an issue had occurred."

He stood up, "Oh?" You asked as you leaned against the door frame, lazily.

Is this the best he could come up with?

You sighed, "Well what do you need from me?" You asked.

"Just your last name to assure your ticket, nothing more." He said, smiling.


"Oh if that's the case then no problem" You smiled gleefully. You obviously had come prepared, false I.D.s weren't exactly hard to get now-a-days.

"Just give me one moment Sir." You spoke as you closed your door and went back into your room. Looking for your small wallet, finding it on the dresser you took it out of it's pocket within the folds, and went back to the door.

"Here you are sir. I apologize for how long that took, I didn't expect it to be that long." You smiled, handing Sebastian your I.D.

"Thank you, I will register your I.D. then bring it back to you." He said as he bowed.

"Oh I'm sorry sir, I thought you were just going to check it here. I don't feel comfortable with my personal information going around on this ship if you don't mind. So I'd like to come with you."

"That way, after you check it I can immediately have it back. I apologize if it seems like I don't trust you."

But I don't.

"However I do not believe it is a good idea to leave personal information with that of a man I have barely met." You spoke.

Listing his head he looked at you, then smirking. "I see."

He tipped his hat down more, adjusting it. "I hope you don't mind..."He spoke as he handed you back your I.D.

You took it hesitantly, "But I just couldn't help myself." He said again putting his hands in his pockets.

"How could I be expected to, after viewing you." He said as he gently grabbed your hand before kissing it.

I knew he was smarter than that.

"I just couldn't fathom adoring your features without a name. Admiring you from afar." He looked back up at you as his lips parted from the back of your hand.

Dedicated to the DebaucheryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz