1: Curtain Call

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The Noahtic. A large boat that will hold the first ballet performance on water. It will consist of commoners and people of wealthy families.

It will be the most pleasant and captivating experience you would ever have the fortune of attending. It will be the most exquisite ballet.

The most captivating show anyone would ever have the pleasure in viewing.

The best act you could ever perform.

The stage was set, you were sure of it, everyone was in their places. Perfectly in place. Nothing was going to go wrong and everything was going to happen just as you had predicted.

It was perfect.

And who were you to try and hold back a perfect performance?

So why not encourage it... why not have a little fun while doing so?

Whilst you didn't necessarily enjoy ballet yourself, you would indulge in it for the sake of the performance.

The first seagoing ballet.

You couldn't wait.


Looking at the boat in all it's glory you smiled as you got ready to go on.

There were different levels for different classes, high, middle and low.

You stood in the line of low class, you were the closest standing to Mr. Enders. How you hated that man.

You watched as he grabbed a handkerchief and used it to cover his mouth. He seemed to speak to himself as Fred walked up behind him.

Fred answered his rhetorical question with simple words, "They're passengers. Same as you sir."

"The passenger cabins have different classes. And a decent number of them are priced quite moderately."

"I'm saying this ship is only fit to be boarded by noblemen. Gaze upon it."

"I dare you to tell me otherwise." He spoke as he looked up at the hull, Fred soon followed suit looking up at the massive ship.

You smirked to yourself as you continued to eavesdrop their conversation. You didn't think the curtain would draw this soon, however you didn't have any complaints as you watched the show.

"She's the Noahtic. A ship truly worthy taking on the name Noah."

"Be Frank: Do you think a commoner would be selected to construct the arc saving all of man kind?" Fred stumbled on his words a small bit, before Enders continued.

Who knew he was so religious, yet such a pig. You sneered as you thought of all the people he had killed. All the innocent people and yet, he still wished to base it all off of class. That he was chosen by god, even though he was killing the same children who that same god made according to him.

It's ridiculous how much religion and class was able to change a persons mind. It was even easier to do so when they were on the lucky side of the stick.

You knew that if Mr. Enders was poor he never would have thought this way. Probably leaning towards the latter, rather than his current beliefs.

Grabbing out a small handkerchief of your own, you covered your mouth the same as Enders had done before. You tilted your hat down more towards your face in an attempt to cover it.

"Noah was chosen by god. He obviously was a nobleman no different than me."

Noah was penniless. He had no money and could barely keep his family together yet you think he was a nobel.... of course you would.

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