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Quackity's POV

I was walking around the greater dreamsmp trying to find my remaining employees.

I thought, was it the right idea to let Wilbur watch over my country? Well he is inlove with me, so he wouldn't blow up Las Nevadas right?

I was about to turn a corner when I bumped into them.

"Fundy! Foolish! Why'd you leave?"

No response. They just ignored me, like I wasn't even there.

"Guys? Hello?" Their paste became quicker and quicker as I approached them. It was like they were forced to not talk to me.

"Guys did you get blackmailed or something?! Why won't you talk to me!" I said circling around them so now I'm in front of them.

Their face were full of guilt, wanting to say something but couldn't.

After minutes I decided to let them go.
Why were they ignoring me?  They probably got blackmailed from the person who killed Slime and Purpled I thought.

It felt terrible being ignored, even though I know they were forced to. It just gives me memories from when Karl and Sapnap ignored me and built a country without me.

And now they're dead. I'm officially alone.

All I have left is Sam, and maybe Wilbur? He's not fully trustworthy, but he is inlove with me.

I smirk knowing I can still pull.

I reach Las Nevadas and see that everything was like how it looked when i left. Brilliant! Wilbur didn't blow the whole place up.

I headed towards my office and opened the door. Wilbur was sitting in my chair with a box of music discs. Uh oh I'm screwed.

"Aw darling you listen to my songs?"

"No!" I start getting flustered.

"No? So tell me why you own every song I've ever made? There's even LoveJoy in here!" He says holding up discs for "Perfume" and "Taunt".

"Ok fine! You caught me! I'm super bored when I'm doing work and your songs are just good." I say admiting defeat. "Ok maybe the best I've ever heard." I add.

He chuckles and smiles. "That's cute."

I blush and feel the like smiling. I control myself and walk up to him.
"You didn't blow anything up did you?"

"Nope, actually I've been here the whole time."

"Damn I thought I would come back to my country blown up. Maybe you're not so bad." I say genuinely impressed.

"Well I am inlove with you." He says turning to look at me.

I blush even more. "How much are you willing to give if I gave you a job here in Las Nevadas?"

"My whole life."

"Even if the job was to be my servant?"

"Of course! I'd kill someone to be your servant."

The way he said it made chills go down my spine, wonder why.
"Ok then Wilbur, you're hired! You start tomorrow."

He smiles and stands up, were now centimeters away from touching. He then comes closer until our bodies are touching and his hands are gently placed onto my shoulders.

He then leans into my ear. "Thank you."

He then hugged me quickly and left.

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