Draco shook his head, chuckling, "Well I guess I should thank him. I don't remember the last time I've been on a date, let alone enjoying one."

She blushed at his statement, patting a napkin on her lips, trying to hide her smile, "I suppose I can say the same..."

They both looked at each other, then quickly broke eye contact as they began to blush. Butterflies began fluttering in Hermione's stomach. Little did she know Draco had them as well.

"You know," Draco began, breaking the comfortable silence, "I still can't believe I'm actually on a date with you, of all people."

Hermione chuckled, "I feel the same way...I'm practically fraternizing with the enemy."

"You don't mind that?" He asked with an eyebrow quirked up.

She shook her head, and gave a sheepish grin, "Not at all...but to be quite honest with you, I don't know how to wrap my head around the idea of...us dating."

He gave her a small smile, "I don't blame you...the past may have been the past, but my actions back then had led to the consequences we live with today..."

"No no, I mean..." She quickly went to address any misunderstanding, "...I mean, I'm a bit nervous about agreeing to give whatever this is a chance...not to appease Scorpius, not because of whatever happened in the past...but because I've genuinely grown to appreciate and admire the man you are today, and am curious about getting to know you better. Not as Draco Malfoy, heir to the Malfoy legacy...but as Draco, a man with his own scars, feelings, and stories he dare not tell."

Draco was at a loss for words, an unreadable expression painted his face, "Oh..."

"Oh sorry, did I come off a bit strong? Forget I ever said anything, I really should stop drinking the wine, haha!" She spoke quickly and immediately regretted ever saying what she just said.

"No no! I just...I've...I should confess that I've actually felt the same way for quite a while now—wanting to get to know you for you, and not what everyone else expects or paints you to be." Draco cleared his throat, looking away from her to try to hide the ever growing blush on his face.

He continued before she could ask him any more questions, "I understand your nervousness about it all, I mean...The Golden Girl and The Ex-DeathEater? What kind of relationship would that be? If the world knew...how harshly would they react?"

Hermione took his hand, rubbing her thumb over the back it. The warmth radiating from their touch began to comfort them, "We don't need to think about that right now...let's just enjoy this for what it is...see where things go."

He looked into her eyes and held her gaze. Unspoken words were communicated through them, both were nervous, excited, and curious as to what possibilities may come from this budding romance.

Draco pulled her hand to his lips and gently kissed the back of it, causing her to blush and smile. She looked away, embarrassed by the emotions it gave her.

"Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?" He asked gently.

She chuckled, "But there's no music."

He snapped his fingers and all of a sudden a sweet melody began to play. He got up from his seat and offered his hand for her, which she gladly took, and was led to an open space in the backyard of the house.

He placed her hand in his, with the other hand holding the small of her back, and pulling her close. He smelled a hint of parchment and apples from her as a fresh breeze of air past through them.

Hermione's brows furrowed, Draco pulled back a little to study her face, "What's wrong?"

She shook her head and gave a little chuckle, "Oh um...nothing it's just...you smell like freshly mowed grass and spearmint."

"Oh sorry, I forgot to put on cologne before you got here." Draco internally face palmed.

"No no...you smell...really nice." She placed her forehead on his shoulder, trying to hide her increasingly blushing face.

"You know, if we keep making each other blush like this, I'm worried we may get headaches from all the blood rushing to our faces...or maybe that's not how it works." He chuckled, pulling her close as he rested his chin on top of her head.

They began swaying to the music, and enjoying each other's comforting embrace. Stealing glances at each other every now and then, almost like a game of hide and seek; only causing the butterflies in their stomach to flutter forward as if to seek the other person's butterflies.


(A.N./ The song being used can be accessed on the 2nd slide of the chapter cover, "Feels like Home" by Chantal Kreviazuk)

Something in your eyes
Makes me wanna lose myself
Makes me wanna lose myself
In your arms
There's something in your voice
Makes my heart beat fast
Hope this feeling lasts
The rest of my life
If you knew how lonely my life has been
And how long I've been so alone
If you knew how I wanted someone to come along
And change my life the way you've done
Feels like home to me
Feels like home to me
Feels like I'm all the way back where
I come from
Feels like home to me
Feels like home to me
Feels like I'm all the way back where I belong
A window breaks down a long dark street
And a siren wails in the night
But I'm alright 'cause I have you here with me
And I can almost see through the dark there is light
If you knew how much this moment means to me
And how long I've waited for your touch
If you knew how happy you are making me
I've never thought that I'd love anyone so much
Feels like home to me
Feels like home to me
Feels like I'm all the way back where
I come from
Feels like home to me
Feels like home to me
Feels like I'm all the way back where I belong
Feels like I'm all the way back where I belong


Looking down from his bedroom window, Scorpius smiled excitedly as he watched them dancing after their dinner date in the backyard.

He spoke quietly to himself, "We'll be happy again...all of us..."


Author's Note:

Hehe, the Dramione ship is currently leaving port and letting down the sails. Let's see where the current takes this ship in the upcoming chapters. See you there! (^_^)

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