T W E N T Y - O N E

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The three kept struggling to take their collars off, your body still unable to take control of itself as you kept fighting them. You kept yelling at them, telling them to leave so you couldn't hurt them.

Just as your trident was about to clash, Breed yelled "Wait!" Your whole body froze at the command as the other three watched in horror. "You, my dear were just bait for these two." He turned around and faced the two captains, an evil smile on his features.

Luffy goes to attack him, but the man yelled "Wait!" again causing your captain to freeze in his place struggling to move.

"I can't move!" Luffy screams trying to escape the men's power. Law starts to use an attack but the man tells him and Chopper to halt as well.

The man laughs at the two of them struggling and completely forgets about your existence. Treating the two of them like animals, he laughs as he makes the two shake his hand and sit like a dog. "You bastard let me go!" Luffy yells as the man continues to cackle.

"See what I'm capable of?! You'll be my slaves forever." He continues with his heinous laugh as your hands start to twitch in anger. Your blood felt like it was literally boiling. Before you could process what was happening the two boys were being carried away, the man picked up Chopper and started to fangirl over how cute he was, "Your blue nose is so cute, Raccoon-Kun!"

The man starts to dance with Chopper as the rest of you start getting locked up. "Lock her up in the special place" He gave you an evil smirk as Luffy screamed for you, the both of you getting pulled in opposite directions.

Once you were thrown in the cage the two lapins stood outside your cell with sad faces, you knew it wasn't their fault. Breed came over and laughed as he looked at your form, Chopper struggling to get out of his arms. "(Your Name), help me!" You ran to the front of the cage and stuck your hand out to your crying friend,

"Shut up!" He shouts as Chopper's face stops moving and becomes silent. He smiled down at you and hands you a dress, demanding that you put it on. You strip in front of him as his eyes follow and trace your curves, the dress more revealing than anything you own. "Do you think I'll get more from the government, or more for selling you as a sex slave?"

The dress was strapless with a long plunge down the middle that showed off your cleavage, the back was a corset style with a slit up each leg. It was dark purple, and it fits you perfectly. He clapped and complimented your figure, Chopper still unable to say anything to you.

Completely embarrassed by what he had you do a major blush was dusted on your cheeks, also infuriated at the idea of being sold. Chopper cried out to you again as the man turned around, angry at the reindeer,"Stop talking to her!".

Anger boiled beneath your skin as everything went red, the collar suddenly popped off your neck as you kicked off the door of the cell. Seastone horns grew out the top of your head as haki radiated off of your body. Your eyes were glowing a sea-foam green as you charged at the man with full strength.

He dropped Chopper to the ground as you tackled him and placed your hands around his neck, weakening his devil fruit powers. "Attack her!" He yelled but it did nothing as long as you were on top of him. You summoned your trident into your spare hand and started to strangle him with the handle.

"Let them free! Now!" The man laughed and threw you off of him, you slid to the side a quickly got back up. You grabbed Chopper and ran down the hall, climbing into a create with your tiny doctor friend. You wrapped your hands around Chopper's collar and squeezed as hard as you could, channeling as much energy as you could into your hands.

Chopper's collar popped off and disappeared into thin air as he hugged you happily. Blood ran down your forehead at your newly-grown horns as the doctor on your lap gasped and touched them.

You giggled at him but soon made a serious face, "We need to rescue the other two. I can break their collars but it'll be hard if they're trying to fight me." Chopper nodded and made a thinking face as he tried to come up with an idea.

Breed is stomping down the hallway screaming for both you and your reindeer friend, furious that 'some brat like you' could break free from his power. The two of you stayed quiet and decided that you would follow the man until you can find where Luffy and Law were put.

Breed was too angry to notice the two of you trailing him, allowing the two of you set free any of the animals that you met on your way. Telling them to escape while they can and wait outside the ship for their safety- or by the submarine for you all to return safely.

By the time you had made it to the tall room where Luffy and Law were being held, they had already started to rip each other apart. Fighting at the command of the Devil Fruit user, you gave Chopper your last paralyzing bomb as a 'just in case'. Chopper said he was going to distract Luffy while you set Law free.

Mostly just because Law would be able to control Breed by using his powers. Revealing yourselves, the two of you ran at the boys quickly jumping on your targeted captain you both worked your magic. Chopper explained the plan to Luffy as you started to break Law free.

Once his collar popped off you jumped off of the man with a smile, before you knew it Breed threw another collar onto Chopper. You shouted Chopper's name as he demanded that the reindeer hit the two of you with the bomb.

Law waited until last second before pushing you out of the way, taking the hit and becoming paralyzed. Internally screaming at how messed up the plan got, your horns grew a little sharper. "Let them go!" You yelled at the lonely abuser.

He laughs and spits down on your form, "Worthless human, do not speak to me that way." He runs his fingers through his hair and laughs again, his damn laugh getting on your last nerve. "Okay Strawhat! You get to tear this cutie to shreds!"

Luffy's eyes turn red as he has no other option but to attack, Chopper jumped off his captain and ran over to help Law. "(Your Name), stay away!" Luffy yelled as you kept dodging your captain's attacks.

"Luffy! You need to fight it!" One of Luffy's fists collides with your jaw and sent you flying. Both the reindeer and your captain scream your name as you slide face first in the dirt. Breed laughs throwing out more demands.

"Straw-hat! No mercy! Be threatening!" Luffy's eyes become a constant red as he starts attacking more aggressively. He landed one hit and kept going, pummeling your body under his fists. You screamed in pain as Chopper yelled for your captain to stop.

Luffy's eyes turned back to normal and he gasped at your beaten form. You slowly sat up, knowing you had to get that damn collar off his neck, you motion for Luffy to grab you and he did just that.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" It was too late, your legs were wrapped around his hips as your arms wrapped around his neck and your hands found their way in his hair. Your lips on his as he fell back and the collar broke, tears streaming down your face as Luffy kisses you back.

The two of you pulled away, a big smile on his face

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