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~ Two Years Later ~
(A/N: This is where we will start to move away from the plot because I dislike fish-man island so we will do some crew-building islands together instead!)

      You smiled as you walked along the island where you said you'd meet Luffy, showing up a few days earlier so that way you could catch up with Rayleigh and ask him how the rubber boy was doing. You weren't going to lie, you had gotten pretty strong and had a lot more confidence in yourself as a future crew member of the Straw-hats.

Too scared to introduce yourself on your own you decided to go and look for the rubber man yourself.  Walking along the islands, you hoped that your Captain would be able to recognize you. Your hair, body, and skills had all changed. Your personality was still about the same but you were way more confident in yourself than you were back then. Hoping that your new outfit wasn't too much and that you were noticeable. Glancing down at your outfit you mentally slapped yourself. Two years and all you could throw together was a pair of cargo pants, a top that was open down the whole middle, connected by metal rings that didn't help hide your cleavage, and black boots. You heard a loud commotion and figured that the rowdy teenager would be somewhere near that said chaos.

Upon getting closer to the noise you found out you were right, you saw the lanky boy running from what looked like a group of Marines. You laughed as you saw the man take down a Pacifista in a single hit. Your jaw dropped as the rubber boy started running towards you.
"Luffy!" You yelled as you waved your hands, jumping to get his attention. A shocked look hit his face along with a small blush.

"(Your Name)! You made it!" You laugh as his arm wrapped around your waist and attached you to his shoulder as he continued to run. Lucky for Luffy you had learned to control the negative effects of the sea stones, stopping it from affecting everyone who touched you. You watched as two men came down on a flying bird calling out for Luffy, knowing who they are since Jimbei had shown you their wanted posters. You watched as Zoro and Sanji had flagged down their captain.

Luffy suddenly stopped and waved to someone who was standing on a hill, watching him take off with his friends. Slowly realizing it was Rayleigh you waved along with Luffy. He thanked him for the training, screaming that he was going to become the pirate king! You screamed as Luffy grappled onto the flying bird, landing halfway on top of you as the bird quickly took off in the direction of the ship.

Nervousness hit you as the two men stared at you intently, as if in sync they both looked at their captain with their arms extended in your direction, pointing at you. "Who is she?" Luffy laughed as Zoro seemed more annoyed where as Sanji had hearts in his eyes while asking the question. Slinging his arm across your shoulder Luffy kept laughing until Zoro smacked him in the head for not answering.

"She's a part of the crew!" Both of their jaws dropped, but before they would argue you had landed in front of a beautiful ship. A small 'woah' escaped your lips as you landed in front of 6 other people. You noticed them all by their wanted posters but decided that they were going to introduce themselves anyways. Although you will say the two girls were absolutely beautiful and instantly made you feel insecure about yourself, shoving those insecurities away you stood proud with a smile and tried to introduce yourself.

Luffy quickly introduced you as a 'new member' and then quickly forced everyone onto the ship as the navy was indeed going to come after the crew you all took off in the direction of the New World.

Wanting to show off your newly learned powers, you dove off of the ship and swam underneath the boat. You summoned a strong current beneath the ship, propelling it forward as you had another current rise up out of the water and drop you back onto the deck. Multiple jaws dropped as the crew all rushed around you asking you millions of questions at once. Sweat-dropping you blushed and looked away claiming that it wasn't that big of a deal.

You sat on the railing of the ship getting introductions from everyone, and answering all of their questions to the best of your ability. Who you had trained with and etc. Luffy had told them that you were the reason Ace was still alive and their jaws once again dropped. The small reindeer had stars in his eyes and you heard him whisper 'cool' to the 'king of snipers'. You giggled as the questions just kept coming and coming, then your stomach growled. Blood ran to your cheeks as they turned red, and as if saving you from your embarrassment Sanji calls that dinner is ready.

You watched your captain run to the kitchen first, shortly followed by the green-haired swordsmen. Everyone who surrounded you also left to go to dinner. Sitting in between the Captain and Nami, you all start to share stories about your training and what you all have learned and achieved.

Dinner was soon over and you leaned on the railing looking out at the open sea, the sun setting leaving behind pastel shades as it sunk into the ocean, already hidden behind clouds. A lazy grin was plastered on your face as you finally felt the freedom you had longed for. Loud footsteps made their way over to you, rubber hands grabbing the wall beside you, their body following soon after. You laugh as the captain almost threw himself off the ship and turn to look at him. "Thanks for this opportunity, Captain" Giving him a genuine smile he gives you one back, which makes you have to turn your face away in order to hide the blush on your face. Everyone else had started to go to bed, leaving just the two of you on the deck, although Zoro was coming back out for his night watch.

Before you could ask the captain where you'd be sleeping, Luffy was already sleeping against the railing. Flicking his forehead, waking him up, you asked to be shown to a bed so you could sleep. A sheepish grin was on his face, as he introduced you to the boys sleeping quarters. Confusion hit you as you noticed Nami and Robin weren't there but shrugged it off seeing as you were tired from the long day of getting to know everyone on the ship.

You laid down next to the captain's bed before wishing the already passed-out man goodnight. All the other men on this ship were already deep in their slumber.

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