PART 13: Nightmares

Start from the beginning









“Raised you!”

I was waiting to listen to my ribs breaking but unfortunately, I was not that lucky.

His boot landed on my back making my spine shake. I felt like I couldn’t breathe for a minute and then everything disappeared.

I felt like I was falling…

I was occasionally annoyed by some weird stings on my arms and torso.

He was still hitting me.

But the main feeling was that I was falling…

A scene of my mother and I building a sandcastle appeared. My face looked bored yet happy for spending time with my mommy.

Then there was another one of me and Ali having a muffin dough fight. We were both laughing like crazy trying to get the sticky brown thing off our hair. Silly stubborn mixture!

Wait a minute… People say that right before you die, scenes of your whole life cross your mind, right?

Was I… dying?

Is this how it feels? I thought as I kept falling.

So this was the end?

No more tortures?

I was going to see Ali again…?

These questions were bombarding my mind and to be honest, I had no answers.

The last question was the one that hit me really hard.


What about Asher?

And that was the last thing I thought before landing on the ground.

Was I dead?

 To be honest, I didn't really mind dying. When you feel nothing, you are not exactly afraid of something- death included. Besided, why living if not even fear can make your heart beat faster?

Goodbye Ash...

Asher’s P.O.V.

Have you ever felt your heart aching when you look at something or listen to something you don’t like? I’m not talking about feeling dizzy or hurt. I’m talking about real heart ache. I’m talking about the suffocating sense of feeling like you’re heart is giving up on you.

I remember my biology teacher, Mr. Travis, who always said that our feelings have nothing to do with our heart. They are all results of messages which travel through our nerve cells. If it’s true, then how can heart attacks be explained? And now I’m asking you, Mr. Travis, can biology explain those seconds within which my heart stopped as I realized that she was barely breathing?

Well, I think when you really care about someone feelings are not controlled by your brain anymore…

I grabbed her tiny wrist and started searching for pulse… Nothing.

I tried to remember what people in movies did to find out if someone was de- not fine…

Maybe, I had to find some alcohol.

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