"Oh, my-, is that a...?"

"Yep. Cover your ears, Doc"

Wolf covers his ears and shuts his eyes as bugs throws the TNT over the bridge ahead of them.

causing a huge explosion, making a large gap of the bridge.

"Why would you do that?" Wolf howled.

Wolf was scream as they were falling down, holds onto bugs.

"I'm a Tune, Doc. I can survive anything" bugs ejected and pulls a parachute out.

"I'm not a Tune!" Wolf echoes as he went down.

"No, no, no! Ahhh!" Wolf was in a bumpy ride as the truck hits every cliff.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" He finally crashed down, his seat ejecting and he fell flying down his face hitting the ground.

"I do not understand this world" he grunts as he gets up.

"Eh, my bad, Doc" bugs came flying down in a tub, he gets off and helps wolf up.

"How long have you been alone here?" Wolf asked.

"Alone? You're never alone when you got friends like mine, Doc." Bugs pulls the tarp around him and they end up in a barbershop, wolf sitting in a chair.

"Ain't that right, Porky?" Bugs rushes to a sane table that had a checkers set and a pumpkin resembling to porky.

"Uh...That's just a pile of pumpkins"

Bugs gasps, "Porky, did you hear what he just called you?" He asked the pike of pumpkins as the glasses fell off.

"So, what brings you to Tune World, Doc?" Bugs asked as he pulls his chair back.

"Ah!" His head landed in a Hair Wash Basin.

"Fleas?" He runs cold water in his face.


"Midlife crisis?" He applies purple shampoo in his hands and washes wolf's fur roughly and thoroughly.

"Retirement?" He dries his fur with a towel rapidly, cuts his fur that a high speed and spins him around.

When wolf stops, bugs holds up a mirror, showing he face him a poodle hairstyle.

Wolf was annoyed then he shakes his fur, shaking it back to normal.

LUh... All I know is a computer freak kidnapped my daughter and took my friends, and I have to play basketball to get them back...I think he said his name was... Al G. Rhythm?"

"Did you say Al G. Riddim?" They turned to a saloon.

Wolf looked down at himself to see he was wearing a black getup suit with a bowler hat then he approached bugs who was a bartender.

"Yeah, that's the guy. Rhythm, Riddim...Whatever"

He spoke in a Southern accent, "That nefarious nimrod nixed my nearest and dearest from Tune World"

"He kicked them out?"

"Well, not exactly"

"He buttered them up, saying they were wasting their time, That there was much more to see in the Serververse than old Tune World, Made 'em turn their backs on who they really were They all left, all of them"

After bugs tragic flashback, he turns to an drunk and drinks carrot juice.

"And I wish them all the best in their new endeavors"

Wolf frown, he knows what it feels like to lose some friends.

"Ah, man. Sorry, Bugs. That's terrible...but you know Family's everything to me and my friends"

THE BAD GUYS IN: SPACE JAM a new legacy Where stories live. Discover now