New legacy

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(This is a request from SnowAngel76 who asked me to maje this request for her birthday so happy birthday snowangel76 I hope you like it)

It was a sunny afternoon, wolf was wearing his favorite shades, sitting in his car with the others as they waited outside of Los Angeles high school, waiting for the exact time for the bell to ring for school to be over.

It was the beginning of summer and they were already there to pick up princess.

On the visor was an old picture of princess as a kitten with wolf, both were smiling.

Wolf looked at the picture and smile as he thinks of princess then the bell ring, they see kids heading home and there they saw princess in her school outfit.

Wolf looked at the picture and smile as he thinks of princess then the bell ring, they see kids heading home and there they saw princess in her school outfit

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Now that she was a teenager, it would become that time for her to figure out what she wants to do find a college.

Which is what the bad guys including wolf is what he can't stand, they weren't ready to let princess go...yet.

She gets inside, sitting next to shark and piranha.

"Hey baby" wolf says as he drives off.

"Hey wolf"

"So how was school" he asked.

"It was great"

It was quiet, they all used to be so close to princess but as a teenager, she barely could do the things they could do with her as kid since she's always studying and trying to find out who she wants to be.

So wolf broke the ice, "so...summer vacation...must be very exciting, right" wolf tries to distract her from school then signals everyone to steps in.

"Yeah" webs says.

"Swimming" shark says.

"Beaches" piranha added.

"A horror movie marathon" snake says as he nudged princess, "remember princess you used to love that"

He reminded her and princess looks up at them, they see how much they wanted to hang out with her.

"Oh that would be great...but I have to research some college applications this summer and I have lots of summer schoolwork to do so..."

Just then wolf takes her book, "hey"

"Come on princess, it's summer, you'll have time for that later, until then...why don't you take a break from all that, take A vacation, you know...spend some time with your family"

Princess was about to object when she saw how everyone was looking at her begging she had no choice.

"Oh ok, i guess i supposed we could use a vacation, sure why not"

Then everyone cheered, "that's my girl" wolf says as he rubs her head then he speeds off to the mansion.

Then somewhere in Burbank, California in a place called: Warner bros. Server-verse.

THE BAD GUYS IN: SPACE JAM a new legacy Where stories live. Discover now