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Beast Boy's POV
Robin made up some weird new game, I'm supposed to guess the meaning of the words after having this one he gave me.


It's a simple word with a meaning. But what kind of game is this? All of sudden, i guess he just want to mess with me.
Well for now i won't think too much.

Right now I'm chilling in my room, overthinking things and getting bored. I decided to go train outside for awhile, my shape shifting needs some practice, i feel like I'm getting rusty.

I got up and dressed up for training.

As i went to kitchen to take a bottle of water with me i noticed how everyone was hanging out in the living room.

"Oh hi BB, what's up?" Cyborg asked.

"Just getting bottle of water before going to train outside. Someone wanna join me?" I ask. I could use a duel with someone.

Robin suddenly stands up. "I could, i wanted to train anyway." He smiled a little just enough to melt my heart, i know how cheesy that sounds but this man makes me weak.

I nod and waited for him to get dressed in something more appropriate.


First we went to gym to strech out a bit and run a bit on some tracks, after that we went outside since it's such a beautiful day.

"Ready to get your ass kicked?" He asks me while smirking.

"You mean me kicking yours, then yes i am." I smirked back at him.

He laughed a little and pull out his stick/bat weapon ready himself.

"Come here pretty boy." He sounded so amused, so full of himself, believing he could beat me.

I shape shifted into panther and run to him ready to attack.
As i jumped on him, i knocked him down on the floor but i couldn't get to him since he was holding me back by his stick. He suddenly threw me off, he did some backflips to get away a bit.

"Not bad for someone with a stick." I joked.

"Not bad so yourself." He smirked.

We continued fighting, i continued shape shifting until i got tired, we decided to just play a fair fight without his stick and shape shifting, just hand on hand fight.

Before we started, he took off his shirt. Is he doing this on purpose so i could lose my mind?!

"I'm getting a bit too hot." I think i almost got a nosebleed when i saw him taking off his shirt.
He's so handsome, he has such a beautiful body.
As we started fighting, i got all serious again, but as he was getting close to me again, i got distracted by him that i forgot how good he actually is in fighting.
He is super fast, no wonder since he usually depends on his body fighting.
He crouched down, fastly knocked me down with his leg and before i hit the floor, he catched me and held me strongly but it felt so gently.
"Better be careful." He smirked at me.
He pulled me up gently and i was so close to him, pressed against his strong bare chest.

I could barely breath.

"Not my fault i fell." I quickly defended myself.

"Sureee." He teased me. He still hasn't let go of me. I don't mind but how come he doesn't want to let me go?

"Hey, tell me more about this game of yours?" I asked.

He sighed but smiled anyway.

"Sure." He let me go and went to get his bottle of water and mine too.

"So i have the next word for you. It's lovely." He says.

I looked at him confused.

"Lovely? These words they are so random, What's the point of them?"

"Have you ever played crossword?"

"No, why?"

"Because my game is very much similar to this one only this one is just unique because it's my choice of words instead of random letters you have and you need to make some words by those letters you have." He explained.

"I see. So now i have two words. Irresistible and lovely. How do i figure out the word I'm supposed to look for."

"I told you i will not tell you how, you need to figure out yourself, but i will give you more words, as they increase you will have a much bigger possibility to guess what it is."

"So why don't you give me more words then?" I asked getting impatient.

"Now where's the fun in that?" He asked while smiling at me. He put on his shirt back and said we can go back inside.

"Let's go write that word maybe you'll see something when you write it." He added.
I nodded and followed him.

"You're so secretive as always."

"Is that so wrong?" He asked concerned.

"No, i don't mind." Actually it's one of the things i like about you. It gives me so much to think and it makes me curious. I want to know more about you even though i already know some things about you.


How hard can it be to guess a whole word with only 2 words. Maybe if i get more words i could figure it out but i doubt.

"Can you please just give me one more?" I begged with puppy eyes as i shape shifted into a dog.

"No, next time." He says all serious all of a sudden.

Why all the seriousness, it's just a game? Or is it?

Hey guys. How are you?
Look who finally updated it.
I know it's kinda boring with just them hanging out, i wish i could come up with some side story they could. I hope i can come up with sth soon. That's it for now.
Bug out😜💖

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