Chapter Four:

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~ Chapter Four –



hen I woke the following morning, Darcy was up and she was holding a pair of skinny jeans in one hand and a nice singlet top and bright purple bra in the other. I groaned at her as she threw them at me and told me to hurry up because I’d slept in and if we didn’t get to school before the bell went then we were going to be in trouble. I scrambled out of bed and hurried to the shower that was housed in the same room as I was sleeping in and undressed as quickly as I could so I could get under the hot water to relax my tensing muscles. I was finished within five minutes and I was standing with the top in one hand and the bra in the other. Why the hell was she making me wear this ridiculous thing today?

There was a banging on the door and I swore when I bumped my elbow on the basin of the sink.

“Hurry up, Asha! If you don’t, I’m going to send Samson in!” she called and I quickly put the bra and the singlet on before opening the door.

She laughed at me as Samson came wandering in carrying a beautiful pair of black knee-high black leather boots. He carried them over to me and gave them to me and I gave him a hug. He looked taken aback for a moment before wrapping his arms around me for a moment and we both let go of one another.

“Thanks,” I said as he walked out of the room, a slightly smug look on his face. Darcy laughed and I looked at her.

“You really shouldn’t do that to him. There’s a girl who’s already got her eyes on him,” she said and I poked out my tongue at her as I pulled my boots on and did the zipper up.

We left a few moments later and arrived at school. Darcy had decided to have to roof of the convertible down so when we arrived at school we looked windblown and it suited us really well. We turned several heads as we walked over to meet up with our group and I saw Samuel eyeing Darcy. I smiled and walked over to him and whispered in his ear as I gave him his good morning hug.

“She’s free tonight,” I said and I swear, if he was able to blush his cheeks would have turned a nice shade of crimson. He composed himself as we drew apart and I gave him a wink as I turned to the others and hugged them as well.

A car pulled up beside Darcy’s and we all stared at it. It was an amazing hunk of metal. And I gasped when I saw the badge of it. Who the hell do we know that drives a Bugatti Veyron?!

But then, when the engine finally died and the driver stepped out of the car, I gasped loudly and turned away from him. Aldwyn smiled as he locked his car and came over to stand before us.

“Like my car?” he said, his eyes locked on me.

I refused to look at him, instead choosing to look elsewhere and finding myself looking at his car. My eyes must have gotten that dreamy look about them because the next second, Aldwyn had leaned forward and was whispering in my ear.

“You can come for a ride after school if you want to,” he said as he smirked when I jumped.

I chewed on my bottom lip as I tossed the idea around in my head. I wanted to take a ride in that car really badly, just so I could see how it felt to actually be in one, possibly drive the car, but I really didn’t want to be caught alone with Aldwyn again. Not after yesterday or any other time that we’d been left alone together.

So I just shook my head and turned on my heel and headed towards my locker, not looking back when I heard both Darcy and Aldwyn called out my name, asking me to come back. I just kept walking. I finally reached my locker and began twirling my combination into my lock. I heard footsteps behind me but I didn’t turn around to see who it was.

Avoiding What is Clearly Meant to be, Isn't a Smart Thing to Do.Where stories live. Discover now