Chapter Two: Complications

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 ~ Chapter Two – Complications ~



 didn’t see any of my friends until later that night when they stopped by my house. They kicked up a real fuss when my mother said that I didn’t want to see anyone and they gave her the old ‘We’re not leaving until we see her’ thing. So, my mother, reluctant to get on any of the vampire’s bad side, let them in and told them that I was curled up in the attic with my music blaring so loud, that the neighbours had come over to complain about it. I sighed as they all filed into the attic; their eyes all turned in my direction as I sat in the couch by the window and stared out of it, the dress that Darcy had dressed me in riding up until they could all see the bright pink underwear I was wearing underneath. But I didn’t care. It was only them thankfully as I scanned the faces of the people that were entering my attic, and only them. I heard Darcy sigh as she came over and sat beside me, her eyes never leaving my face as I sighed heavily and cringed when she placed a cold hand on my exposed leg in front of me.

“What happened, Ash?” she asked me cautiously and I looked over at the others.

As much as I found them my friends, Darcy was the only one that I was close to. They all nodded their heads at me and walked out of the attic giving us some privacy. Darcy repeated the question and I sighed before replying, not looking up and meeting her gaze as I spoke, choosing to look out the window as the sun shone through it.

“He took me to one of the abandoned buildings on the other side of the school. I asked him what he had wanted to ask me but he just slammed me against the wall, one of his hands at my waist and the other pressing against my chest,” I began and Darcy gasped, her eyes giving off a slight sparkle when I told her the next part.

“I let out a gasp and before I knew what was happening, he was kissing me . . . Well, shoving his tongue in my mouth was more like it. But the weirdest thing of all was the fact that I kissed him back. And . . . And then we broke apart and he kissed my jaw, down my neck. Only his fangs brushed the skin at my neck and I kind of electrocuted him where he stood. I was just so scared, Darcy. I didn’t know what to do and that was my first thought,” I said as I slammed my hands down on the couch beside me.

“Oh Hun. You did what your instincts told you to do. You felt you were in danger and you had to deal with it and protect yourself. Just next time,” she said and I looked up at her, a worried expression crossing my face. “Don’t electrocute the poor guy,” she finished and I growled at her.

“There won’t be a next time because I am never going to be alone with him again! If he so much as comes near me tomorrow, I’m going to throw his sorry but across the school and I don’t care what family he’s from,” I said as Darcy went to tell me what family he did belong to. “He has no freaking right to do that to any girl, let alone someone like me!” I said to her and she sighed, knowing that there was no point in arguing with me.

The door to the attic opened up and my mother stuck her head up into the room. She saw me and Darcy sitting on the couch by the window and smiled when she saw that it was just the two of us.

“Um . . . The others have left already, Darcy. Do you want to stay for dinner?” she asked and I looked over at Darcy. She nodded her head and my mother disappeared down the stairs again. Darcy turned to me and I looked at her curiously.

“You know Ash. Aldwyn could’ve actually meant to only get to know you a little bit better away from all of those prying eyes. He is part of the vampire royalty you know?” she said and I let out a groan in frustration.

“Crap! So you’re telling me that I electrocuted one of your royals?” I said and she nodded her head.

Another string of obscenities left my mouth as I stood up and walked over to the basin by the other window. I quickly filled it with water and splashed my face, trying to cool myself down. I let out a groan in frustration when the water suddenly began to steam when it made contact with my skin. I dried off my face as Darcy came over and placed a cold hand on my shoulder and I jumped at the sudden contact. It did get me to cool down though and I looked at Darcy.

Avoiding What is Clearly Meant to be, Isn't a Smart Thing to Do.Where stories live. Discover now