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I tried comforting Aaliyah. This was really some fucked up shit. She cried histerically and I couldn't blame her, she had it all. After she calmed down I took our plates and put them in the sink. She just smiled weak at me. ,,don't you wanna go back to sleep? It's a long way from Virginia down here.'' I asked and she nodded. ,,yea I'm pretty tired but I'm sleeping on the couch'' she said but I shook my head. She was a really sweet girl and deserved the best, i knew that back then already. She's been through a lot. ,,No ma your sleeping in my bed until your room is done'' I said. I will buy some new furniture and decorate the empty room I wanted to make a guest room, but now it'll be Aaliyah's room. ,, My room? No sorry I can't accept that I'm just sleeping on the couch that's good enough for me'' she said but I insisted. ,,is there a way I could change your mind?'' she asked but I just shook my head smiling. ,,no now just go upstairs and sleep. Do you want me to wake you up when I leave for work?'' I asked and she nodded before going to my room. I sat on the couch and turned the tv on. I watched some MTV, my favorite Chanel. After I shot the tv down I just layed down and started thinking. This girl was really a keeper. I'm gonna take good care of her, I may not know her that good yet but my guts tell me that she's a true one. I suddenly felt my eyes getting heavy so I closed them and not much later I fell asleep.
I woke up to someone screaming outside. The hood was really getting on my nerves sometimes. I sat up and looked out the window and saw one of them goddamn gang fist fights. This city is killing me I swear. I looked at the clock and felt once really thankful for those gangs. It was already 4.30 pm so I really needed to get going. I don't remember sleeping that long any other day. I got up and went into the bathroom, splashed some water in my face. I was still tired asf but my shift began at 5. I remember what Aaliyah told me so I went up for waking her up. When I got into my room I saw that black angel sleeping so peacefully that I was sorry to wake her, but she told me to do so that means that if I don't she'll maybe be mad at me. I sat on the side of the bed and at first tapped on her shoulder with no result, so I shook her shoulder a little. She opened her eyes slowly, for her to rub them afterwards. She looked really cute. ,,Morning ma, I gotta go to work'' I said said realizing how dumb I was because it was clearly not morning. ,,Can I come with you?'' she asked Shily but I just nodded with a big smile on my face. She got up and I waited on my bed while she got ready. She came out the bathroom fully dressed. We got downstairs , I grabbed my keys and we left. The drive to the restaurant was quiet, but I enjoyed the silence. Once we arrived she opened her seatbelt, so did I and we got out the car. ,, you work here?'' she asked and I nodded. ,,yeah, looks worse than it is'' i said. ,, nah I like it'' she said and we both started smiling as we got in. I got my uniform on and started my shift. I worked as a waiter at that Italian place named Papa's and I really liked it to be honest. Aaliyah sat down at one of the tables so I assumed that she was hungry. I decided to go take her order. ,,Good afternoon miss Aaliyah, what can I get for you today?'' I asked in a jokingly way and she answered the same. ,,Hmm, ion know, maybe a pizza?'' she said and smiled . ,,Good choice ma'am, I'll get that ready for you. You want something to drink?'' I asked . ,, just a diet Coke please'' she said and I nodded. I walked to the kitchen all giggling and stuff. Wait what the hell? I don't do shit like that. I ain't gay what the fuck is up with me. After a while Francesca, one of the cooks, gave me the pizza and I brought it to lil A's table. I already had given her her drink. ,,here you are madam. Enjoy your meal'' i said winking at her and she thanked me smiling. Ahh that woman is gorgeous. After a while I decided to take a break so I just sat down at the Counter drinking a coke when I saw Aaliyah walking up to me with her plate. She put the plate on the counter looking at me with those gorgeous eyes of hers. ,, can I help you madam?'' I asked with a smirk on my face. ,, I just wanna ask you something and pay then'' she said and seemed kinda nervous. ,,Ofc spit it out wassup?'' I said still staying cool. ,,Umm are you guys hiring?'' she asked me and I frowned. ,,What ya need a job for? Just take some time off'' I said told her but she shook her head. So she's stubborn. ,,Look I have no clue I gotta go ask my supervisor. you wasn't here okay?''I asked as I went to the back with her plate in my hand. ,,Umm chef I've got a question'' I said while looking at him. Yea the kitchen chef was my supervisor at that time. ,,what is it Garcia'' he asked but he didn't even look up from the stove. ,,Someone's interested in working here as a waitress. Could she work with us?'' I asked and he just shook his head. ,,no I don't know her and on top we are not hiring. I don't want one of them hoochies being my waitress''he said in a pretty rude tone, he's always like that. ,, But Chef I do know her and she's no hoochie please trust me with that one'' i said. I may want her to get some rest but if that's her wish than I'll try to make it come true. I don't know but I'm really feeling that girl. ,,Garcia I Said no now go back to work!'' he semi yelled and that's when I knew I don't have a chance. I went back to Aaliyah and I was a bit down to be honest, how I said if it's her wish. ,,And??'' she asked kind of excited and it looked really cute on her but it broke my heart to just tell her off. I shook my head and seen her facial expression going down to a little sad face. ,,I really tried Aaliyah I'm so sorry'' when she brushed me off and gave me a sad smile. ,,It's okay don't you worry you've already done so much for me and I'm thankful for that, I'll find something else'' she said as she kissed my cheek. My eyes sparkeled for a moment. ,,when's your shift done?'' she asked and I just mumbled a ,,7'' and rushed into the kitchen while holding my hand on my cheek where she kissed it. I had a wide smile on my face. The rest of my shift went by really quickly and I was glad tbh. Aaliyah had waited for me and now we were on the ride back home. Today was a good day.

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