Chapter 18: Nightmares

Start from the beginning

I can't imagine experiencing anything like that, even if it was in my head.

"Maybe you should give Siyanna a call. I know you said it was a dream, but it would be better to just be safe. Just in case it was more than just a dream. If you were somehow seeing something through the spell, we need to be sure," I explain as I wipe away his tears.

He opens his mouth to say something else but the pitter patter of little feet running toward the kitchen stop him. I lean forward and press another kiss against his lips and stay there for several seconds.

"Mommy!" Everleigh cheers as she crashes into my legs. I grunt as my lips are pulled from my mate's but smile down at my daughter all the same.

"Good morning, sweetheart," I greet before swooping down and lifting her into my arms. Her little arms wrap around my neck and I can't help but close my eyes and let her warmth surround me. "You hungry?" She nods her head quickly, a smile beaming on her face. I smile back and look over to see James has crawled into the seat beside Mason. "How about you, Jamie?"

He nods tentatively and I can't help but compare the two children again. Two sides of the same coin, that's for sure. I nod and let Mason take Ev as I move to start cooking.

"Good morning, daddy," her sweet voice fills the air. I glance over my shoulder to see her little arms now wrapped around Mason's neck, but his eyes are squeezed shut as if he's in pain.

'It'll be okay,' I speak through our link and wait for his eyes to come to mine before turning back around.

"I'm going to go make a phone call," he mutters as he stands from the chair. Everleigh watches him curiously, but smiles when he sets her down beside James. The two chatter away like they're the only ones in the room and I shift my eyes from them to Mason as he makes his way toward me. "You're right. If this isn't just a dream my mind made up because of the knowledge of what could be coming, then we need to be sure. I'm going to go call Siyanna and Ace and ask if it's even possible to be seeing through the spell like that."

I nod my head in agreement and go up on my toes until my lips press against the side of his jaw. I feel his hand resting at my waist squeeze before he pulls away.

"I'm going to take the kids to their class after breakfast and then I'm going to go oversee the training. I've been thinking maybe adding a few more things to the patrols, but I need to look at everything for now," I explain. He nods his head and I hate seeing the worry behind his eyes. "Come find me when you're done talking to Ace?"

"I will, Red," he murmurs before pressing a quick kiss to the side of my head before quickly leaving the room. I watch after him until he's completely out of sight before turning back and focusing on finishing breakfast.

"Mommy?" Everleigh asks from behind me. I glance behind me and wait for her question. I can see her little lip pulled between her teeth as she tries to find the words for her question. Thankfully, Brandon walks into the kitchen at this point. He looks tired, but that's to be expected right now. "Is daddy okay?" she asks quietly.

Brandon comes up short and I watch his eyebrows fur in confusion as he looks between my daughter and me. Sighing I nod towards the food before moving toward her. Her little eyes are wide and I'm not sure if it's from worry or fear that her father may not be alright but either way she should not have to feel any of those feelings at her age. I glance back to see Brandon watching the food so I can focus on my daughter.

"Why do you think he's not okay, baby?" I ask as I lean my elbows on the counter beside her. She glances up at me before glancing at the door Mason just walked out of. "Talk to me, Ev," I whisper as I run my hand over her hair.

"I had to get up last night to go potty, but when I came out of my room I saw daddy going downstairs. When I was finished, I went downstairs to see him but he was just sitting in the kitchen with his head in his hands," she lifts her little hands to act out how she saw her father sitting. She drops her hands and looks at me again. "Is he sick?" I sigh and try to find the best way to explain this to a four year old so that she can understand.

"He's not sick, Ev, he just had a bad dream. He came downstairs to get something to drink, but he's okay. You don't have to worry about your dad," I explain as I swipe my thumb over her little cheek. I watch the worry fade from her eyes and I can't help but let envy fill me. To be young again and be able to just let all your worries go with nothing more than some words from someone else. I kiss her head and give her a smile before moving back to the stove.

"Everything okay?" Brandon asks in a hushed voice. I nod my head because if I start letting myself think things are not okay, I'm going to fall apart. "You sure?"

"Yeah, we can talk about it after the kids are dropped off at their class. I'm going to oversee the training and look at the patrols. If you're comfortable leaving Mary for a little while, I can explain everything to you then, but I can't do it right now."

He nods his head but doesn't say anything else. He gives me a soft smile before moving toward the kids. I busy myself with breakfast as the sound of laughter fills the room as Brandon entertains the kids. I let that sound fill my head and drive away my worries.

At least for now.

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