Chapter 10: Stronger Together

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I lie in bed tracing Mason's scars as I enjoy the peace surrounding us. It's been four years since I'd been with anyone. During those four years, I never even considered entertaining the idea of allowing someone to keep me company in my bed. Having him back again, I'm going to have trouble leaving the bed at all.

I turn my head and press a kiss against his peck and smile when I feel his muscle twitch beneath my lips. I've missed this.

"I've missed you," I whisper as I settle deeper into his hold. I feel his fingers trace patterns over my lower back.
"I've missed you too, Red. If we never had to leave this bed and deal with the outside world, I'd be completely content." I giggle with a nod. His hand flattens against my lower back as he presses me closer to his side. I sigh and shift closer until most of my body is resting against his side. "As much as I want just to lie here and fall asleep with you in my arms, we have things to discuss."

"Right," I breathe as I roll out of his hold and slide my body until I'm leaning up against the headboard of the bed. When I look over at him, he's scowling from his spot on his pillow. I can't help but throw my head back in laughter before pulling the covers up to rest over my chest. "Don't look at me like that. The longer I'm lying down there with you, the harder it gets to not just climb on top of you and forget our problems. We do have things we need to talk about."

He grunts but stays where he is.

"How does your head feel?" I ask tentatively as I reach over and thread my fingers through his hair. He leans into my touch.

"I feel fine honestly. My head doesn't even hurt anymore. It's like there's nothing going on inside my head anymore."

"When Siyanna did the spell," I start as my mind goes back to that room when he seemed to be in such pain, "did it hurt? Because it looked like it was very unpleasant," I note as I focus down on him.

"I don't remember all of it." I watch his eyes focus on the ceiling as his eyebrows fur. "I remember her coming to stand behind me on the couch, and then I could hear her voice in my head but I couldn't understand what she was saying."

"It was some foreign language," I interject quietly. "We couldn't understand her either."

He nods his head once before continuing, "I could hear her voice, and then suddenly, there was another voice speaking back. It wasn't so much like a conversation but more like whatever the fuck was already in my head was fighting back against Siyanna." His Adam's apple bobs up and down as he swallows. I notice his hands beginning to shake slightly and I can't stop myself from shifting closer and nudging his shoulder. He glances at me and quickly shifts himself so his head is resting against my chest.

"Take your time, sweetheart," I whisper as I press a kiss against his head. "I know this can't be an easy thing for you to talk about."

"It's not, but if it's something you want to know then I am going to do my absolute best to give you an honest answer. No more keeping secrets, remember?" I nod my head and press another kiss against his head, this time keeping my lips pressed against his head. "When the other voice started speaking, it was like my head was being split in two. All I remember is the pain being so excruciating that I couldn't think of anything other than that. That's all I remember. After that, it was like everything just went blank in my mind until I woke up in our room back here."

I sit quietly as I contemplate his words. If blocking Dynea's spell caused that much pain, I'd hate to have to think of him going through that more than once. My wolf whimpers at the thought of our mate being in pain and there being nothing we can do to help him.

"I just hope Siyanna's spell lasts long enough to find a way to end all of this," I whisper as my fingers convulse in his hair. I close my eyes and work to slow my heart rate back down knowing he can hear it clearly.

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