Chapter 11: War is Brewing

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I slowly make my way down to the kitchen, fearing what I might find. I didn't sleep much last night and as much as I wish it was because my daughter wasn't in the same house as me, that wasn't it. The constant shouting and crashing of items downstairs did wonders to keep me awake. Mason managed to sleep through all of it, but considering everything going on with him it doesn't surprise me.

The house is eerily quiet. I don't think it's been this quiet since before James was born. I don't like it.

"Ace, so help me God, if you do not stop I will knock you out with a flick of my wrist," Siyanna's threat travels up the stairs, successfully breaking the silence. It takes everything in me not to smile as I walk into the living room to find them standing on opposite sides of the room glaring at each other. I stop my advance into the room when those glares turn to me.

"Good morning, Alaina," Ace greets, "I hope we didn't wake you up." Those brown eyes turn back to Siyanna who keeps her gaze on me.

"Oh, of course, we woke her up you, idiot!" Siyanna snaps as she rolls her eyes. "You haven't given me two seconds of space all damn night. I wouldn't be surprised if she hadn't even been to sleep at all!"

I bite my tongue to stop myself from agreeing with her because I have in fact been up all night. Not totally because Mason kept me occupied for a good part of the night. I open my mouth to ask if anyone wants anything to eat when Ace's growl cuts me off. I decide it's best to stay out of this conversation and slowly escape back out of the room and head for the kitchen. Their voices sound from behind me and I can't help but shake my head.

Those two have a lot to work out. I just hope they can figure it out because I know what it's like to live without your mate, and that's not something I'd want for anyone.

"When are you just going to stop fighting this?" Ace asks, his voice sounding almost defeated.

Mason's scent hits me as I enter the kitchen. I find him sitting at the island with his hands covering his face. I smile as I move to him. I settle my front against his back as I wrap my arms around his middle.

"Hi, sweetie," I whisper as I press a kiss against his shoulder. I smile as I feel one of his hands wrap around mine at his front. "I thought you were still sleeping. I didn't want to disturb you," I explain as I reluctantly pull myself away from his touch so I can make breakfast.

"I was, but then I rolled over and you weren't there so I figured I'd come to see what you were doing," he answers back, sleep still heavy in his voice. "Though, I don't know how we were supposed to get much sleep last night with those two in the house." I smirk at him over my shoulder and nod my head in agreement.

"Those two can hear you," Ace hollers from the living room. I don't even attempt to hide my giggle as I hear him and Siyanna making their way toward the kitchen. Siyanna, keeping a firm distance from Ace, moves to stand on the opposite of the kitchen as the rest of us. I do my best to keep her in my sight without making it too noticeable. Friend or not, I've seen what she can do to two full-grown Alpha males.

"I told you," Siyanna mumbles from her spot against the counter. She turns her attention to me and moves her eyes to the food I've pulled from the pantry and fridge. "You don't need to worry about feeding me." I can see the slight sneer at our food.

"Is there something particular you would like?" I ask, pulling her attention from the food. "I'm sorry if we don't have anything. I'll admit I don't even know if you eat the same food as we do."

"We eat whatever we want," she explains with her chin held high, "but I'm not hungry at the moment. I will find something in the forest or something later and take care of myself."

Mason grunts softly behind me and instead of turning to look at him, I turn back to the food with a nod. I don't like the idea of her going out into the forest on her own. I also don't like her being seen by the pack before we have a chance to talk with them first.

"If you are to go search for food in the woods," Mason starts, "Then you will need an escort."

"If you try to send me out there with Ace, I will do more than throw you against a wall," she threatens, a hiss clear in her voice. Two growls fill the room and all I can manage to do is lean heavily against the counter and hang my head.

"We cannot keep trying to bite each other's heads off," I whisper knowing damn well they'll hear me. I inhale deeply and turn around to face them. "If what you've said is true, Siyanna, and I believe it is from all I've seen of just you, then there is a lot to do. We have a lot of planning ahead of us, and we will get nowhere if we can't even get through one conversation without shouting, growling, or hissing at each other.

"A war is brewing. A war that we do not even understand because we do not know our enemy. Before we were able to prepare and plan on our own because it has always been wolves we were fighting. Now that's not the case. We will not survive this," I turn my gaze solely to Siyanna, "all of us will not survive this if we cannot figure out how to trust each other enough to work together." I look back at Mason and Ace to see them staring at me with slight frowns. I shake my head before turning back to the food.

"You're right, Alaina," Ace speaks.

"Red is right, but Siyanna, you cannot just go wandering our forests without someone from the pack with you. Especially not before we discuss things with the pack. Anyone who crosses your path will no doubt take one look at you - one smell of you - and know that you are not one of us. They are trained to protect the pack, at all costs."

"And I have been trained to protect myself, at all costs," she snides back.

"That's the problem," I speak up again. "If this is to work, whatever plan we begin working out, will fall apart at the seams if you go out and attack one of our pack members." I turn to her, allowing my glare to show full force. "As grateful as I am that you have helped Mason, and you're willing to keep helping him, if you attack my pack then that's it for you." Ace's growl fills the room yet again. I shift my glare to him before shooting it back to her. "I would not kill you, but only for Ace. But any alliance with you would cease to exist, and in losing you, we lose Ace as an ally because of the bond you two share."

I feel Mason move to come stand behind me, but even as I allow his touch on my waist, I do not stop.

"Do you have children, Siyanna?" I feel the tension in the room thicken at my question. "Who is it exactly that you're fighting for here?"

"No, I do not have any living children," she whispers, those violet eyes hardening. "Not that it's any of your business who I'm fighting for."

"You've had a child?" Ace asks softly as he moves around the island to stand near her. She looks up at him but doesn't move away.

"Yes, I've had a child. A small witchling that was taken from me when my aunt decided he didn't deserve to carry our bloodline. You see, witches do not give birth solely to females, though that is how it is wished to be. The witchlings that turn out to be male are not always cast aside, but they hold such a low rank that they might as well be. My aunt decided that my son was not even worthy of that and she made me watch as she tossed him over the side of the cliff."

I close my eyes, instantly regretting even asking. As much as I wanted to make a point that we are all fighting for something in this, I would never wish to make her relive that horrid memory. I couldn't even think of what it would be like if I had lost Everleigh, let alone had her taken from me.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. I know there are no words that will fill the void inside of you. But you have to understand. We will work with you, but we must keep our pack's safety above all else. They are more important than any needs we have ourselves."

Mason's hand at my waist squeezes encouragingly as he leans forward. I feel his lips press against my ear before I hear him whisper, "Like I said last night, Red, leading suits you." I keep quiet and enjoy his tender touch for a second longer before turning back to Ace and Siyanna, who are still closer than I've seen them without her moving away.

"There is much to discuss today," I pull away from Mason's hold and step toward Siyanna. "We can discuss things further after breakfast and after I go get my daughter. It's been too long since she's gotten to spend time with her father."

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