"I don't know... Maybe. I guess. I don't really know." I just shook my head.

"Well, I'm not." Nick grinned.

My eyes grew big. "What?"

"Let's hang out." He said. "Or you're busy? Or will your boyfriend kill me on sight if he knew you were hanging out with me?"

I laughed. "What, no! Luke isn't really overprotective. He was just not in the mood at that time."

"So Luke is his name." Nick said. "I hope he doesn't mind. Soooo what do you say?"

"Erm, I don't know." I looked around. "I wasn't planning on going anywhere. I wasn't planning to go home either. But, if you think about it, you could be a serial killer or something... I only met you once."

Nick laughed. "Hey, I may look dumb, but if I'm a serial killer, I probably won't murder you here in public! And besides, I saved you from a drunk man!"

"That's why you're asking me to hang out. And then you're gonna take me to some abandoned warehouse." I pointed out. "You know, that's how they do in movies!"

He laughed again. "I didn't think you were funny, to be honest."

"Hey," I put my hands up in surrender. "I'm just exploring the possibilities."

"Alright. If I say I'm not a serial killer, will you have coffee with me?" Nick asked.

"Coffee." I muttered. Coffee sounds nice at the moment. I checked my phone first. Maybe Luke texted to tell me to come over. But there waa nothing. All I see is my lock screen which is a photo of us taken from what seemed like a lifetime ago. It's hard to look at it at the moment.

I sighed. "Okay, now you got me. Let's go."

Since the nearest cafe was the one beside my building, that's where Nick and I sat down. He kept on making comments about the cutesy designs, how they look so mainstream on mini cafes.

"Stop it with the designs!" I said. "You're fussing too much."

Nick looked at me. "You know, I am so bothered with your accent."

"Why?" I frowned. He stirs up conversations in a different direction so quickly.

"It makes me confused. Like I can't pinpoint what accent it is. Where are you from?"

"Australia." I said. "Sydney, to be exact. My name is a big joke my parents played on."

"That explains it." He laughed. "So, do you know how to surf?"

"Oh, no. No. No. No. No." I shook my head. I remember that time I tried to surf with my friends during the good early days of my teenage years. It was fun, they said. Well, I say NOT. I probably looked like a turtle dancing to some hawaiian tunes.

"Why not?" Nick asked.

"It didn't work out between us." I laughed. "I broke up with surfing and moved on."

"I could teach you." Nick said casually. Okay, so he could surf. That explains the toned body. And I was right about him looking like he surfs.

"I think I'll pass." I said. "Maybe some time in the summer when I'm not doing some school shit."

Nick nodded. "Alright. But you can call me anytime."

"I can't if I don't know your number." I grinned.

He brought out his phone and I brought out mine.

Still no texts. No missed calls. NOTHING.

"Damn it." I muttered under my breath.

Nothing Like Us (L.H.)Where stories live. Discover now