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A/N- Hi everyone I'm sorry but this isn't an update.

I would like to apologise for my lack of updates on this book, but I'm here to explain why.

I have ADHD which means I find it hard to focus on certain things for a long period of time so writing things like books takes me a while. Recently I've also been preparing for my exams at school (also a struggle with my ADHD) meaning I've not had the time to write anything for this book. Trust me I 100% understand that people do have worse things than me but I thought I would come and explain rather than letting the work I've produced previously go to waste and this book having no updates. I hope you can all understand why I may not update my work as much as other creators but I really do appreciate the support and feedback I've been given so far! ♥️

Once again thank you for the support on this book I really do hope to have more chapters out in the future.


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