Enduring Mercies

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Enduring mercies of our loving Lord
Immeasurable height and depth,
Who gave Himself on the bitter cross
Purchased by His blood through death.

Enduring mercies of our loving Lord
Tender and sweet, loving and caring
All the time no records of fail and loss
Faithful, unfaltering, eternal, never-ending.
The unselfishly selfless
Radically unconditional
Faithfully endless
And ever so personal
Is the love of the Lord,
Is the mercy of the Lord,
Is the grace of the Lord,
Is the forgiveness of the Lord.

Enduring mercies of our loving Lord
So never-ending because it's always new;
His steadfastness of love on the cross
Great is the faithfulness from You.

He had no sin yet became sin for us
To be saved in the gates of hell
As we deserved it in our last
But there's a love story to tell
That Jesus, the Perfect Lamb sacrifice,
Messiah and Emmanuel, Name of names;
His grace for us is suffice,
So praise Him, goods and maims
That loving is the Lord,
That merciful is the Lord,
That gracious is the Lord,
That forgiving is the Lord.

In God, we give Him praise
Who was there from start till the end,
Self-existed unto everlasting;
What a mighty power is our Lord.

We praise Him in all our days
For His understanding transcend,
Crafted orderly in everything;
What a heavenly wisdom is our Lord.

Praising in all of His ways
Due to He we can depend,
Loved us, felt highly elating;
What a charity presence is our Lord.

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