Letter to Lip

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Dear Lip,

I honestly don't know why I am writing this letter to you, as I don't think that I will ever give it to you.

It's currently 3am in the morning and I just woke up from a dream I had. I just remember how us walking around the streets of Seoul. It was nighttime, but the streetlights made the atmosphere feel magical. We both had a few drinks in our system already, but you were more drunk than me. I walked you home, as I didn't want to leave you on your own.

So as we were walking to your house and talked about all sorts of topics, I felt your hand reaching for mine and our fingers intertwine. You then looked at me with that stupid smile of yours, and my heart melted. I tried to let go of your hand, but you kept holding on, so I gave in and enjoyed the moment. As we arrive at your house, you pulled me into a tight hug and told me, "Don't keep me waiting, please."

Then I woke up. Honestly I would be lying if I said that those words didn't affect me in the slightest... You know, I didn't really believe in "Love at first sight" as I thought, that stuff like that would only happen in the movies.

However, from the moment that I first met you, I fell in love with you. Just your simple "Hi" somehow shook my heart from its slumber, and now I can't forget you. No matter how hard I try... I keep looking at your Instagram Account like a stalker, just to see your face and post stupid stories in hope, you will message me. God, I sound so desperate... I'm so sorry.

It's just... I don't think anyone has ever made me feel this way, and you're probably asking yourself. "How can you like me if we only met twice?" and that question is valid, and my answer may sound stupid, but perhaps it's the way you said "hi" or the way you would crack a joke, making me laugh so hard that my stomach would hurt. Perhaps it's also that stupid cheeky smile of yours, that make your eyes look like a crescent moon...or it's the way you made me feel, whenever it was only the two of us talking to each other.

Talking to you felt like time didn't exist, and I felt loved and understood. You gave me the feeling I was searching for. Before I met you, I swore to myself that I wouldn't fall in love again, cause all it gave me was misery. I truly believe that I am not loveable. But then you came around, and it felt like you found a way to climb the walls I've built up around my heart for so many years. I'm not gonna lie, I still feel so terrified to let you in. To trust someone with my heart again... Especially after realizing that I may not be the Person, you adore.

Seeing Yves trying to win your heart, reminds me over and over again, as to why I was keeping my heart hidden in the first place. Yes... I'm scared of rejection and I may be shattering my own heart, by hesitating to tell you how I feel. But perhaps not having my hopes up, will prepare me for any disappointments...

I just hope that I could give you the same feeling you gave me and that I'm not the only person typing messages to you, but deleting them in the end. I truly hope, that I'm not on my own, in this game for two and that you might like me too...


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2022 ⏰

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