"Abbu please....." he lifts me up by my arms. I was happy that maybe abbu believes me or maybe is giving me a chance to prove myself but how wrong was I.

"You have already made me shameful infront of the society and now you want to make me shameful infront of Allah (swt) as well. Get out of my house for once. Don't know for what else you will make me more shameful. Layla's mother, half of her things are already packed go and fetch them for her. I can't tolerate her in my house anymore." abbu holds my arms tightly and throws me out of the house closing the door infront of my face.

I burst into tears and fall to the ground behind the closed door. Ammi at this age of 14 how am I going to stay alone and where on earth can I afford to buy a place for myself when I clearly have no penny on my name.

Who will love me and take care of me I am devistated. I look around and find a broken glass bottle, I take it and place it on my wrists.

"Layla!" Ammi shouts as she grabs the broken glass and throws it in the dustbin. She turns me around to face her and is about to slap me. I close my eyes waiting for the impact but anything cames my ways. I slowly open my eyes to see Ammi has stopped midway. She cups my cheeks and holds me tight.

"Your Nana and Nani will be here in the next two hours to came and fetch you, since you can't go to them on your own as you aren't even 18 years old yet."

"But Ammi...."

"No buts. I have called them and they know about everything. They do believe you my child and so do I, but I am helpless infront of your father. You will stay with them in India and continue you high school and college. You won't call me unless until I call you myself. It would me very risky as your father doesn't know any of this. Promise me you will never return here. Promise me." Ammi begs me.

"I promise Ammi, I won't ever came here until or unless you call me yourself." I promise Ammi and I start walking Ammi asks where I'm going as Nana and Nani will came fetch me here.

"Ammi I'll be back before they came. I just have some unfinished business to complete." I gave Ammi a small reassurance smile but she is my mother after all she know me too well.

"Your going to Fatima isn't it. I know you are. Don't go.... She might hurt you again."

"Ammi, I really need to go. I need to know why she did what she did. I need to teach her a lesson so she doesn't repeat herself and break others trust the way she has broken my trust."

I messaged Fatima and called her to an abanded place close to the secret karate classes I used to go to.

One of my teachers who was my favorite had paid for them. I had refused at first then she told me that I can pay her off. So I saved all the tuckshop money I used to get and paid up her money. I always wanted to learn but my parents never allowed, saying it isn't for girls. That teacher saw how I was being bullied and she help me. My pocked money increased each years so I paid her money finish last month. She was a primary school teacher and she believed that I would return her money despite now being at high school and I proved her right.

I really wanted to tell Fatima about my secret karate classes but something in my heart stopped me from telling her anything. Now I'm glad that I didn't so when I fight her she would be totally shocked and taken aback. Whenever some boys approached me she chases them away as I always told her I can't fight. It was true in a way because I can't fight but I can karate and it is known more by the self defense technique.

After fifteen minutes Fatima showed up at the place I've called her. She looked worried, but I put a cheerful face on so she doesn't know that I know already.

"Hey girl, have you been to your house already." she asks carefully not to make it sound suspicious.

"Why do you asks." I have a fake cheerful face on. If you look in my eyes then you can notice that I'm being fake, but she doesn't as she is way too guilty for what she has already done to me.

"No just like that, I've dropped your birthday gift there." she says in tone fearfully. Oh so this b**** is calling that fake story she spread at my home my birthday gift. Yes, your right it is my birthday today. This type of friendship is called the worse ever. I wouldn't ever do that to my enemy.

" Oh, no I haven't seen it yet. Why what's so special about it." I ask and she says nothing. Her fearful face changes and she cames forward to hug me but I step back and hold out my hand. I slap her and she stares at my face.

"I've already been home and I already encountered your so called gift. You know your the first person to encounter a slap from me you should be proud of yourself." I say and start using my karate black belt skills on her to my surprise she didn't try defending herself.

"Fight back you idiot."

"Please forgive me. I had no other choice." she says and I stare at her. She really expects me to forgive her after all she has done

"I would never forgive you for what you have done to me today. It's perfectly fine to be a loner than have someone like you by my side. I never imagined in my worse nightmares that you would do this to me."

"Look Layla I can explain." Fatima tries to justify her actions.

"No there is nothing that you can justify. Especially when my parents already kicked me out of the house without even listening to me. They believed you over me. Listen to me I will never forgive you ever." I stormed away and when I reached home Nana and Nani where already waiting for me. I ran and embraced them in a hug.

After that day I had came to India and only spoke to ammi when she calls. Without knowing tears are rolling down my cheeks.

"Teacher, teacher why are you crying."

"No, nothing came we will go and find those boys." We checked every grade 4 and grade 5 class but she were unable to find those kids.

"It's find teacher we will look some other day."


Assalam finally you've got to know what happened to Layla. Tell me something.

How many of you hate Fatima?

How many of you believe that Fatima had no good reason behind doing what she did.

How many of you think that Fatima was somehow in trouble which is why she did what she did?

Please leave your thoughts. The next chapter won't came out early because I'm very curious on what my readers thoughts are so if you want and early update please leave lots of comments.






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