Kian Stone x Reader

151 2 2

trope: tooth-rotting fluff

prompt: sweater (coat really) stealing from Kian!

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧

It was cold.

The middle of winter, even in the sunshine state, was nothing to shake a stick at. The air was crisp and sharp, almost painful to breath in. People walked the streets, bundled in heavy coats and other attire. From the view she had, y/n could see the streetlights line the road turn on, signalling night. She breathed out, clouding up the window in front of her. The penthouse apartment she shared with her lover was empty as he had to stay a bit later at work.

The heating cut out earlier in the day when the chill was manageable, but with the dip in temperature and lack of sunlight, she found herself subject to shivers running up her spine and goosebumps lining her arms. Even with the abundance of blankets in the apartment, she found herself unable to stay warm.

Without any other options left Y/n found herself raiding Kian's side of the closet. While he didn't own any traditional sweaters, he did have a large, fluffy, and she knew from experience, warm coat he often wore around the house. Her face lit up as she pulled it off the hanger, shoving her arms into it. The coat was exquisitely soft and patterned with pink and black zebra stripes. Not something she'd normally wear, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

"Holy fuck-" She sighed, basking in the sudden warmth. The fabric was plush and warm as a furnace against her chest and had the faint scent of the perfume Kian liked to wear on nights out clubbing. She quickly buttoned it up, hugging herself as she felt herself defrost.

"Damn Kian you really outdid yourself with this piece-" She muttered. Y/n bolted to the love seat in the living room, kicking off her slippers. She all but dove back into her nest of blankets, burrowing deep into them.

The sky darkened as time passed. It started with a few flakes and ended in a flurry as snow blew outside. Y/n did not pity those still outside in that weather. She watched the snow fall down mesmerised by the falling flakes, lost completely in thought as the door creaked open. Bags being put down and articles of outdoor clothing being discarded filled the room. Y/n, I'm home!" Kian called put as he announced his arrival home.

"Right here, darling." She raised a hand, making herself known in the room. Y/n heard the sounds of his steps as he quickly made his way over to the nest she made.

"It's cold enough to freeze the balls off a-" He paused, looking at the sight in front of him. He bit back a smile. "Is that my coat?" Y/n nodded, lifting up a stack of blankets.

"Yes, it is. Now get over here and cuddle me, it's freezing and I'm tired. And I'm betting you are as well."

"God don't need to tell me twice." He said as he settled himself into the nest of blankets. Y/n wrapped her arms around him, setting her head on his chest. He draped his own around her, pulling her close. A sigh of contentment escaped both figures' lips as the heat rose in the room, defrosting the ice cold lovers.

"Fucking hell I missed this." Kain mumbled, fingers tangled in her hair.

"Sucks you can't work from home, love..." She murmured in response.

"I'd never get work done with you in the house."

She gasped in mock dramatics. "You insult my ability to let you work! Tisk tisk Stone, I expected better." He laughed at the theatrics.

"On a good day we barely keep our hands off each other, in this context and well- the other one! I love you, but I know what will happen." She sighed, realising he was indeed, correct.

"Ok, it was worth a try!" She huffed, grinning in spite of her theatrics.

"How was work?" She asked. He sighed, leaning his head back in exasperation.

"Boring as always, I think I'm spent for the night. How was your day, babe?" She shrugged.

"The heating went out so... cold."

He tutted. "You could have called me, you know i would have dropped everything to come help fix it!"

"I know, but it was manageable once I made this cosy nest shit. Best decision I've made in a long time." She said confidently, as she nodded. Kian chuckled at her bravado. He pressed his lips to her temple, drawing a deep blush onto her features. "Is the other best decision going out with me?"

"Let me think..." She paused, making a show of pondering her answer. "Yeah, I'd say so." She said with a laugh. She curled closer to his chest as he spoke again.

"That's good to hear..." His fingers tangled in her hair again, absentmindedly braiding strands together as the quiet took over, filling the space.

"Hey, Kian?"

He hummed in response.

"I love you." He looked down, meeting her eyes. Kian tilted her head upwards. The moment his lips met hers, it felt as if a lifetime had passed in a second. He pulled away, a look of pure affection on his soft features.

"I love you, too."

"I do want my coat back though."

"Nope, it's mine now, Stone."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧

word count 879

hope you enjoy! the pacing is a bit different as my friend helped me edit it, which will probably happen for my larger and longer projects!

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