Albatrio x Reader

197 3 2

trope: platonic, hurt/comfort

Prompt: Reader is essentially the ship's therapist, and consequently suffers a breakdown due to stress and strain. Comfort ensues.

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧

The average brain, across all species, can only take so much emotional turmoil before it overflows.

Y/n knew this like the back of her hand and still kept pushing their limits. Having the least amount of visible trauma meant that she was the assigned therapist friend for the crew.

She knew all about Jay's life with her family, Chip's lack of family and Gillion's life with the elders, and everything in between. Hell, they knew almost everything about the rest of the crew as well. However, they never confided in anyone like everyone else did with them.

Today had been especially hard for the crew, a storm had brewed while in already harsh waters, causing them to almost capsize as they sailed. When the ship had been steadied and driven out of the danger zone, Chip had gone to rant to Y/n, talking about how he felt as if the blame for getting into the waters was on him, that he could have drowned the non-water dwellers on the crew. Y/n listened as usual, and offered advice and affection to him, which he gladly accepted. When he left to fix a break in the ship, she felt a weight on her chest.

Jay had come down next, sitting next to them. Y/n held her hand as she rambled, beating herself up for not seeing the signs of the brewing storm as they sailed. They offered reassurances after she finished talking. Jay had hugged her afterward, and for a split second the weight disappeared, though it was fleeting as the navigator had left to help Alphonse set the course forward. The weight came back like a vice grip around their chest.

The last of the captains had come down on accident actually, meaning to settle down in his barrel instead. Y/n had waved over the triton and made him sit with her. Words, worries in general had bubbled over almost instantly while she sat and listened. They asked if he wanted advice or reassurance but he just asked for her to listen to his woes. When he left if felt like a mountain was crushing their chest.

The day went on as normal for the crew, save the y/s down below deck.

Y/n had felt overwhelmed before, felt the claws of fear and anxiety in her chest and skull on many instances, but not like this. Never like this. They sat in an isolated corner of the barracks, head resting on their knees. In hindsight, she was cutting off adequate oxygen flow in this position, adding to the heaving, almost pained breathing as they tried to keep back bitter tears. While everyone felt lighter, she felt like she was drowning in stress and anxiety and all of the bad things they had internalized.

"Bre-" She sucked in a shaky breath. "Breath Y/n you're fine-" They kept repeating, nails digging into the flesh of her thighs. Hours had been passing with no anvil of calming down. Much to her surprise, no one had come down below deck with her, meaning everyone was busy with duties. They felt even worse as they realized she hadn't helped fix the ship or even done menial chores to help out, opting to mope about downstairs. "..shit" She muttered, dragging a hand over their face. 

Y/n pressed her hands on their thighs, attempting to push themself up. The mountainous weight pulled her down, keeping them grounded. Well, so much for getting up. They groaned, leaning her head back. They had lost track of how long she had been down there, could have been minutes, maybe hours since they had last gone above deck.  The silence felt like a heavy blanket over her as they chewed the inside of their lip, thoughts racing a mile a minute.  




The sounds of footsteps, multiple, broke the silence as they came down the wooden steps of the Albatros. Light chatter filled the room as the familiar voices of her co-captains, Chip. Jay, and Gillion, drew closer. Y/n theorized it was later at night due to them all coming below deck. Normally she would have made an effort to greet them, offer a hug or an ear to vent to, depending on the day, but they couldn't get up. Probably for the best, as they desperately needed the break from being the support unit for everyone.  

The conversation drew closer as Y/n sat there, staring into nothingness. She was able to catch bits and pieces of the conversation, drawing the conclusion they were chatting about well- nothing overly important. 

Jay crossed into their line of sight first. She paused, looking at her on the ground. "Y/n?" they hummed in response, making to effort to move. "You ok?" They shrugged. Gillion and Chip entered the space as she did so, stopping and staring at them. "What's up with her?" She heard Chip ask.  Gillion strode over to them, offering a hand. "Want help up, Y/n?" They shook their head. "I'm good on the ground, Gilly, but thanks." The triton nodded, dropping to the ground with a dull thud. She glanced over at him, a brow raised. "Then we will just stay here then if that is ok?" The creaking of wood signified that Jay had sat down on the other side to them, less crossed. Chip sighed, joining them on the ground in front of her. 

"So, what's wrong?" Jay asked, nudging them in the side. Y/n took a shaky breath, feeling tears try to escape the corners of her eyes. Chip scooted closer, gently lifting her head up to look into their eyes. A worried expression held his face. "..everything" Y/n mumbled, feeling tears slide down her cheeks. Their brows furrowed as they tried and failed to keep calm. " I don't-" She sighed, moving to wipe away the offending teardrops from their eyes. "I don't think I can keep on being the therapist for everyone. I know I have the least amount of visible trauma but gods damnit-" Her voice rose in volume as leaned back, tears falling in full force now. Jay took her hand. "I'm a person too I can't- I can't be the only person to be there for everyone, all the damn time-"

"Y/n, do we- do we make you feel like you can't talk to us?" They nodded. "I know you're not trying to but just- my brain doesn't like me very much. " Gillion wrapped an arm around their shoulder, Y/n leaning against him. "I am so sorry, you do so much for us, you should be allowed to talk and vent to us, you are allowed." 

The floodgates opened. They sobbed, eyes burning red and throat raw from the effort.  So long, so god damn long she had felt unable to reach out to their loved ones. "I-" She sniffled, squeezing Jay's hand. "I love you guys-" "We love you too" Chip muttered, reaching out to hold their other hand. 

"Can we stay like this?"

"As long as you need."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧

word count : 1192

hope you enjoy!

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