Dakota Cole x Reader

225 1 4

Trope: Angst heavyish, hurt/comfort, Whump

Prompt: Reader gets kidnapped and promptly rescued by the prime defenders, however after sustaining injuries.  

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧

The day had started out so normally. Training first thing in the morning, making excuses to avoid eating the beef stroganoff Tide had made for breakfast, and rushing to school after finding out what the time was.

Unfortunately, that was the most normal the day had gone, up until that point. While the rest of the team, William, Vyncent, and Dakota had all sped off to classes, Y/n had fallen back, opting to walk out and take a bus. This was the first of many unfortunate mistakes. The second being she had forgotten to bring her prime watch, which she did realize, but thought nothing of it. It was school, if something happened she would probably find out from Dakota as soon as the message hit.

However, she had paid no mind to her surroundings as she walked, lost in thought and playing some sort of music through large headphones as she made the trek to the nearest bus stop.

All at once, everything went downhill. A sickening squelching noise accompanied by a slimy, gooey feeling underfoot gave pause to her. Y/n looked down, a look of disgust as she lifted her foot to check the bottom of her shoe. "Oh that's disgusting-" She gagged, moving to a patch of grass to wipe off the offending substance. However, before she could move a shadow towered over her. She looked back, seeing a wall of slimy, viscous green well- slime towering over her. Y/n barely had time to send off a quick text to William, a simple help, before the ooze encompassed her.

Y/n's vision went black almost instantly.

William had gotten the text part of the way through first period. His breath hitched as he took a screenshot, sending it off to Vyncent and Dakota. A shout could be heard down the hall as William raised his hand. "Can I use the washroom?" The teacher nodded as he stood up, rushing out. Dakota had already left his class. Hot footing it down the stairs as William tried to keep up with him. "IS SHE OK?-" He hollered, William, wincing at the volume. "I'm working on tracking her phone but she's our tech guy so-" As he finished explaining, tapping away at his phone, the boys were joined by Vyncent at the entrance of the school. 

Conscious slowly bleeding back, Y/n was met with a dark room. She tried to bring a hand up to her head, finding her arms bound behind her back. The rope dug into her skin, rubbing them red and raw.  She wiggled in the hard chair she was placed on, pulling her wrists apart to no anvil, a strangled cry escaping her lips, covered by a cloth, as the gravity of the situation set in. She was supposed to be at school in math, gods how she wished she was in math with Dakota instead of here. She struggled to get out of her restraints, shifting around in vain. She fell to the ground with a large bang, hitting her head against the pavement. A crack broke the silence as a stabbing pain shot through her arm. A louder, muffled scream echoed as the pain set in. Tears began to fall down her cheeks. In her pain-clouded state, she didn't hear a door open. 

The chair was forcefully put upright, sending a shock of pain up her arm again. She cried out, tears falling heavier now. "Hello, Y/n." A hand loosened the gag, dropping off her mouth onto her neck. She looked up, trying to get her breath under control. The figure was tall and wore a simple black tuxedo, accented by green. They leaned down, a lazy smile crossing over their face. "How are you feeling?" Y/n's chest heaved, trying to keep a semblance of calm. "who-" Her voice cracked as she spoke. "Who are you?" "A good question, some call me a friend, a foe, but you, you can call me Omen. I know all about you."

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