Aki: Never mind. Let's go.


(Y/N) and the Angel Devil watched as Aki basically did boxing matches with the various people in Division 2. He pretty much kicked all of their asses.

(Y/N): It's things like this that make me glad I'm not in Public Safety.

Angel: I'm getting tired just from watching them. The festival was more fun than this.

Off in the distance, the sound of fireworks was heard.

(Y/N): Well, there go the fireworks. I wish I'd seen them. Guess it's my fault for coming here.

Eventually, Aki beat up the last of the trainees. He closed his eyes and nodded at the black haired male.

???: Thank you for the coaching!!

Aki: Good match.

The person in charge of all these trainees, Nomo, put his elbow on Aki's shoulder.

Nomo: Aki, my man! Sorry for makin' you come by and school these guys.

Aki: I could never say no to you, Nomo.

Nomo: Oh, really now? Come back to Division 2 then! It's not too late! Blood-and-gore stories are all we hear about the Special Division. If all goes well, I'll make vice captain in five years. And when I do I'm gonna go all out luring you back, you can count on that.

Aki: Thank you, sir.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow. The Angel Devil started walking over to Aki.

Angel: Finally we can leave.

(Y/N): I'm going to go to the bathroom first. Uh, where is it?


While (Y/N) was in the bathroom, Aki changed, and now he and the Angel Devil stood in the hall, waiting for him.

Angel: Hey, you haven't told him you'll be dead in five years? It's like you only told Power that.

Aki: I didn't even mean to tell her. It was an accident.

He stared at the Angel Devil.

Aki: And you better keep your mouth shut. Don't even think about telling anyone this, especially (Y/N).

Angel: Whatever. <sighs> You're so lucky. Wish I could die soon. As long as I'm alive, I have to keep working. When I'm dead, I won't have to anymore...

(Y/N) emerged from the bathroom. He yawned.

(Y/N): That festival made me tired. Let's hurry so I can rest.

All of a sudden, Nomo ran into the hallway.

Nomo: Aki!! We need you downstairs, stat!!

Downstairs was a shocking site. A boy whose head was shark-like lay on the ground, badly burned and bleeding, holding a horribly mutilated Denji. One of his hands was missing and part of his tongue too.

(Y/N) covered his mouth, while Aki knelt down, sweating.

Nomo: He was at the front door, groaning something about being with the Special Division. Is this fiend really one of you?

Aki: Y-Yes, he is!

(Y/N): A fiend?

Angel: He's the Shark Fiend, Beam.

(Y/N): What the hell happened?

Aki: <to Beam> What happened to Denji? Did a devil get him?

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