29| Michael and Lucifer

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"You shot him," Nate looked at Dean in disbelief.

"Uh... rubber bullets," Dean lied, shaking his gun a little.

"Yeah, a training exercise," Sam added.

"We're FBI," Cass continued. "I'm Agent Rowland. This is Agent Knowles, Agent Williams and Agent Luckett."

The lights began to flicker overhead and I shared a distressed look with Dean as the store began to shake and rumble.

"You need to go," I addressed Nate. "Now."

A loud piercing noise began to accompany the shaking and the boys all covered their ears. I just stared, frozen in fear as a man walked through the door. I could just barely make out the vessel despite the brilliant blue light, fluffy white wings and fiery halo.

"Run!" Dean yelled, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the store.

As we ran over to the Impala, there was an explosion and the glass from the store windows rained down on us.

"Aah!" I cried as Dean shielded my body with his.

When the glass stopped raining, he moved around to open the trunk while Sam, Cass and I sat on the ground beside Baby.

"It's not possible," Cass said.

"Yeah, tell him that," Sam snapped.

Sam stood up as Michael came walking out the door.

"Hey, fellas. Miss me?"

Cass snarled and went to move toward Michael, but I grabbed onto his arm.

"No, no, no, Cass, don't!" I shook my head.

"No, Cass. Do," Michael smirked smugly. "Please."

Just then, Dean threw a Molotov cocktail of holy oil at Michael's feet and the archangel was surrounded in holy fire.

"Run! Go, go, go, go!"

We all climbed into Baby, speeding away from the convenience store as fast as we could. While we were driving back to the Bunker, Bobby called Sam and let him know we had a problem. Apparently Jack had showed up with Lucifer. However, by the time we got there, they were both gone.

"How did Michael and Lucifer both get here?" Sam asked agitatedly. "How did they open a rift?"

"You know what? It doesn't- We- we've gotta find Jack before Michael does whatever the hell he's gonna do, okay?" Dean stood up from the map table. "I- I'll call Jody and everybody else."

"You're gonna put out an APB on the Devil?" Bobby questioned him.

"Yeah, I am."

Dean walked out of the room, taking out his phone as he walked.

"I'll check angel radio," Cass volunteered, also heading out.

"Ellie, even if we find Lucifer, how we gonna stop him?" my mom asked me.

I sighed, at a loss for what to tell her. Sam had also left the table, heading into the other room to talk to Maggie. All of a sudden, there was a loud banging sound and the lights began to flicker.

"Oh, come on. Can't we have a few minutes to catch our breath?" I muttered.

Sam, Dean, Cass and Maggie came rushing back into the room.

"What the hell is that?" Bobby asked.

"Emilie, Bobby, take Maggie, get her out of here," Sam instructed. "Go through the garage."

The banging grew louder, the door starting to shake.

"We'll buy you some time," Dean added. "Take Maddie and Zep with you, too."

The End | {BOOK 5}Where stories live. Discover now