The Swan Princess

Start from the beginning

"We'll find Link," he told the others, "and lure him back to the lake just when the moon is coming up. He'll see Zelda change into a princess. He'll declare his love. And everyone will live happily ever after!"

At the very same moment, Link was readying himself to battle with the Dark Beast.

"Zelda is alive," Link told his friend, Fledge, turning his back on him. "No one else thinks so. But I do. And I'm going to rescue her."

Fledge swallowed nervously. It was time for Catch and Fire - archery practice at its most dangerous.

"Oh please, oh please, oh please," said Fledge as their teacher placed an apple on Fledge's head. Then Fledge raised his bow and arrow. Still muttering, he aimed his arrow at Link's heart. The arrow sliced through the air. Quickly, Link spun around, catching the arrow right before contact. Then, with lightning speed, he sent it back toward Fledge. It neatly sliced the apple in half. Link was ready.

But first, Prince Link had to puzzle out one thing. What was the Dark Beast? Link hurried to the royal library. He flipped through book after book, searching for an answer.

"It's not what it seems," he said again and again. "What does it mean?" Finally, he shouted, "Of course! That's it!"

He was just about to race off to the forest when his mother came into the room. "Remember, the Great Ball is tomorrow night," she told Link.

"I'll be back in time," he promised her. To himself, he added, "After I find Zelda!"

Zelda and Kass were already scouring the forest for Link, as he and Fledge started their search.

"We are looking for a beast that change its shape," Link said to Fledge. "A harmless creature that approaches and suddenly..."

Fledge eyed a dragonfly. "You mean it could be anything?"

Link nodded and moved. But Fledge was walking in another direction, following the dragonfly.

"Remember, it will look harmless," Link muttered as he cleared a path. He moved a branch out of the way and found himself face-to-face with Zelda the swan.

"A swan?" said Link, thinking Zelda was the Dark Beast. "Of course!"

He raised his bow and arrow. Zelda gasped and took off in flight. Prince Link was below, giving chase.

"Our plan is working!" Kass cried, joining Zelda. "We'll lead him back to the lake!"

Zelda beat her wings furiously. "He thinks I'm the enchanter! This is too dangerous!" But she had to keep going. It was the only way.

The sun was setting behind Zelda and Kass as they darted in and out of the forest. They soared high in the sky, then low to the ground. They kept one step ahead of the prince, but they were careful not to let him fall far behind.

At last, Zelda and Kass reached Swan Lake. Prince Link came into the clearing a second later. Huffing and Puffing, he paused for a moment, looking around. There was Ganondorf's castle with a water dungeon below it. And there was a beautiful swan, floating on the water's edge. Once again, Link raised his bow and arrow. He took aim...

Suddenly, a ray of moonlight stretched across the lake. Then, a sparkling light swirled and twinked around the swan. Link watched in awe as the beautiful swan turned into Princess Zelda. Amazed, Link dropped his bow on the ground.

"Hello, Link," Zelda said quietly and they fell into each other's arms.

"I knew you were alive, Zelda," Link said. "I knew it!"

In the distance, Zelda heard the heavy thud of Ganondorf's footsteps.

"You can't stay," she told Link. Quickly, she explained about Ganondorf and his evil spell.

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