She asked the driver to park on the side so she could get a better glimpse inside the store. Serkan was about to leave but closed the door back and took a seat next to Eda. Selin snorted at the sight. She stayed the whole time Serkan had been there because she wanted to know where he'd go or what he'd do next—-she needed to be one step ahead.

Selin sat up as she saw Serkan exit the store, he was talking to himself when Eda called after him. She must've asked for a ride home, Selin thought as Eda also entered Serkan's car before he drove off.

"Are we going to follow them, ma'am?" asked the taxi driver.

"Lütfen." she answered.

The taxi followed Serkan to Ayfer's house but Serkan, who was a keen observer, actually did not notice this because he was too mesmerized by Eda's charm. Serkan slowed down nearing the house so Selin instructed the driver to park a little further from them.

She saw Eda immediately go out of the car, but was surprised when Serkan had gotten out and called after her. Selin didn't know what their conversation was about but seeing Serkan go inside with Eda infuriated her.

Enough is enough. She thought to herself, before asking the taxi driver to drive off.

The event repeated in Selin's head over and over again. She was so interested in what Eda and Serkan might have talked about or did, but she knew that Serkan would not tell her anything. Especially after she had asked where he had gone, and he did not care to respond.

Oh you'll see what I'm made of Eda. I'll make sure of it. Selin smirked and took another sip of wine, plotting.


The following morning, Selin and Serkan were having a conversation inside the office when Eda came in.

"Günaydın." She greeted them both.

"Günaydın." They both responded before continuing their conversation.

"So I was thinking..." she looked at Serkan adoringly as he continued typing on his laptop, trying to get his attention. "...what if we have an engagement party at your house?"

The question made Serkan finally look at her and away from the laptop, brows raised. Eda's eyes widened as she heard it, making her stop what she was doing. Oh she was sure that Selin intended for her to hear it.

"...maybe tomorrow?" Selin continued.

With this, Eda made an obvious reaction to their conversation by coughing. Two pairs of eyes looked at her and she waved at them as if saying not to mind her.

"Tamam." answered Serkan. Eda clenched her jaw and closed her eyes.

Selin grinned as her eyes sparkled with joy. "O zaman, I'll start organizing!" She and Serkan stood up to share a hug as she kissed him on the cheek but as she left, she made sure to give Eda a smug look.

Eda rolled her eyes at Selin then looked at Serkan who had his back towards her. She glared at him as if trying to throw darts at him, just like at the photo of him she has in her room. She took a deep breath and cleared her throat. This made Serkan look.

"Do you want something to drink?" Serkan said sarcastically. Eda squinted her eyes at him as a warning. "Leyla!" he called out.

"Efendim, Serkan bey?" Leyla immediately came walking in.

"You should probably get Eda some water, she's been coughing lately." he said with sarcasm in his voice.

"Yok, Leyla. I'm fine." She closed her laptop and glared at Serkan before walking away.

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