8| just the two of us

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The next day, Chris and Kate have all the dances together, as they talk about the duets. 

"Hey guys, just a reminder you're performing your duets for Chris and I tomorrow. So, make sure you are ready" Kate stated, "Do you guys need some inspiration?" 

"Whoo!" Chris jumped up from the bench. 

The two coaches began to dance their duet. All the dancers cheered on the two as their dance continued. It brought everyone's energy up.  

"Chris and I are doing the duet just to kind of spice it up a bit and give the kids some inspiration" Kate explained. 

"Kate and Chris doing a duet? I didn't see that coming" Riley shrugged. 

"Their technique is crazy and their hip-hop moves are just awesome" Michelle continued. 

"I think Kate and Chris's dance is great" Emily began, "For two old people

The duet came to an end, breathing hard Kate said, "How was that for inspiration?" 



"I loved Kate and Chris's duet. That was...unreal" West admitted. 

"Make sure you grab your partners, work hard, and kill it like we just did" 

"Cause we getting to old for this" Chris added on. 


Olivia, West, and James were talking by the storage boxes, when Eldon speed walks to the trio, "Yo, guys" He says getting their attention. 


"What's up" 

"I don't know what to do" Eldon says, "I have two duet partners" 

James and West looked completely shocked at what Eldon just said. While, Olivia looked unfazed like she can't even be surprised by Eldon anymore.  



"My two duet partners are Michelle and Emily" he mumbled a little embarrassed. 

"Man since when?" West asked. 

"How did that happen?" James added on. 

"I'm not even surprised at this point" Olivia just shakes her head. 

"How in the world did Eldon get two duet partners? He's probably the most awkward guy on the planet" James admitted. 

"Eldon has not clue. He never has, never will" West chimed in. 

"There is about to be a major cat fight" Olivia said, "I need to make sure I have my phone out to video. Facebook mom's will eat this shit up" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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