9: I'm here E, no matter what

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Chapter Nine
I'm here E, no matter what

Chapter NineI'm here E, no matter what

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

3rd person pov

if there was one things that mina liked more then enid, it was parent day. ever since she was little, she had a good relationship with her mom and her dad, she didn't care that they had sent to the school, she needed it and she didn't blame them for it. she wouldn't blame them for it.

so there mina was in the quad with enid as she held her hand and ran her thumb over her hand. the night before they talked and decided to stop heading their feelings and become official. she liked them that way, she liked that she didn't have to hide anymore.

"mina are you okay?" enid asked and mina turned to her girlfriend with a smile and she nodded happily

"I am , are you?" she asked and enid sighed softly. mina automatically knew that her girlfriend didn't feel right but she didn't know why and she felt bad for not knowing why but she didn't want to push her

"if my mom sees that I haven't learned to wolf out yet, she'll hate me and I don't know what will happen" Enid stated and mina sighed

"I'm here E, no matter what. I'm here" she said and then the cars pulled up, mina grabbed enids hand and led her into the court yard as they stood with everyone else and ms.weems began her speech. Mina saw Wednesday walk over and she smiled at the girl who simply blinked back at her.

"nevermore was created as a safe haven for our children to learn and to grow no matter who or what they are" and they clapped , mina didn't due to the fact that she was holding the sinclair girls hand but she did smile

I realize most of you have heard about the unfortunate incident involving one of our students but I'm happy to report that Eugene is on the mend and is expected to make a full recovery so lets focus on the positive and make this parents weekend our very best yet" she finished and everyone cheered before Wednesday spoke and mina turned to her with enid

"on the mend? try in a coma" Wednesday said and mina could feel the emotions radiating off the girl and she smiled sadly. she felt bad and she couldn't tell why, mina knew that Wednesday was blaming herself and that made her mad.

"have you been to see him? you're his friend" enid said and mina sighed softly as she heard the next words Wednesday said and and she realized that her questioning was correct and she was right.

"I'm the reason he's in the hospital" Wednesday retorted

"that is not your fault, okay? the monster hasn't attacked anyone in the past week, maybe you finally scared it off" enid said and mina could only hope that her girlfriend was right but she knew she wasn't. it was never that easy

"or maybe it went into hiding to avoid this weekend" she said and then they heard a voice , mina looked forward to see morticia addams and Wednesdays family before she felt someone grab her legs and she turned to see carlos, her little brother.

"car!" she said and she picked him up with a smile and spun him around as he smiled and laughed with her, the two siblings had a good relationship since he was born. she had been by his side for everything and she taught him all he needed to know.

"mina my dear" she heard and she put down carlos as she turned to her mom and smiled

"mommy!" she said and she ran forward and hugged him. her dad wasn't with them but he never was. usually on a vacation trip but that didn't hurt her, she was quite happy for her father and his job. she ran forward and she hugged her mom who hugged back and she saw enid and Wednesday separate to their families

"so you and enid? did it finally happen?" her mother asked and mina blushed wildly and she smiled at her mother and nodded

"yeah mom, we did" she said and her mother squealed and hugged the girl who hugged her back and smiled

"what? what happened?" carlos asked and mina turned to him and smiled as she ran her hand through his hair and laughed softly

"nothing car, its nothing. you'll understand when you're older" she stated and he sighed and looked at her

"I hate when you treat me like a kid" he said and she sighed and kissed his forehead and laughed.

"you are a kid carlos, I promise you that I will tell you everything and teach you everything when you're older. you are young and I don't want anything to change between us and this family. i will always be your older sister" she stated and samira smiled. she knew that all mina wanted was to protect her brother and even if it was in the smallest way possible, she would still manage and she would still do it.

"I'm glad that you're happy here mi ángel, that's all I ever want for you" sophia stated and mina smiled at her mother who smiled back

"thank you mom, I am happy here. i would tell you if I wasn't" she exclaimed and mina began to lead her mother around the school.

"mommmm my legs hurt" she heard and she turned to Carlos with a smile as she knelt down and he climbed up on her back. Carlos smiled and she did too as she continued to walk and tell her mom more about the school and her dorms.

she saw enid around the school with her mom and her brothers but she didn't go near her and she knew that maybe enid wasn't ready to tell her mom the truth and she was okay with that.

maybe mina could come to be okay with everything that came her way and change. she just needed to look at it in a different more accurate way.

she had no idea what was going to happen the next day and nothing could ever prepare her for anything that was going to happen.


I had to have at least one good parental relationship in my Wednesday books, sorry lacie and Serena.

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
HEAVEN & BACK  |  ENID SINCLAIR ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang