Chapter 2: Seeking Help

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I decided that the first people to go to was Bob and Wade. I always relied on them and trusted them with my problems. Wade was the first person I'd go to. Knock knock. "Come on Wade, answer your door." I knocked again. This time, Wade answered his door. "Hey Mark! What's up? I haven't seen you in months man!"

I sigh heavily. "Hey Wade. I...can I talk to you?"

"Yeah sure, come on in." I followed him into his house. We sit down on a couch together and Wade looks at me, his face full of concern. "You okay? You don't look so good."

"I don't know anymore Wade. I don't know if I'm okay or not. I feel so helpless all the time and I feel so alone. Ever since that God awful day."

"Is this about-"

"Don't say her name! I don't want to remember her. But, to answer your question, yeah. Its about her."

"Mark, its been 4 months since she left you. I may seem like a dick but, you've gotta move on."

"I have to move on. That's all you've got Wade?"

"Well, what else would you want me to say?"

"I expected you to be here for me Wade! To help me with this problem!"

"Mark, calm down. I am here for you. Dude, its okay to be upset about it. I'm right here for you. You know that."

"S-sorry Wade. I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm just in pain right now."

Wade didn't know how to help me, but I hold nothing against him. At least he tried right? Now all I have left to go to is Bob.

I must've knocked on Bob's door for 5 minutes with no answer. "Bob? Are you home?" No answer. "Bob! It's me! Mark! Let me in!" Still no answer. Bob must not be home. Damn it. Now I can't talk to Bob at all. There are 2 more people I can talk to. Jack and Yami.

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