The Plan and The Auditor

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"So you mean to tell me, he only made this deal because he knew we wouldn't listen, and he wanted to help but also knew hank wouldn't let him?" Doc asked. Hes having a migraine now that the murder clown, Tricky, was in his compound.

"Yes. And hes agreed not to kill anyone and follow orders that I ask or whoever is in charge of the group. And of course, he wanted something out of that. And one is gonna like it." Pyra says.

"And that is?" Doc questioned.

"A date with Tricky!" Tricky says happily and proudly. He could already tell that Phobos isn't happy about it. Neither is anyone else. Even hanks death stare was one of the worst ones yet.

Suddenly, Hank just picks up Pyra and heads to his room.

"Oh boy. Here we go again." Deimos says.

Tricky is confused as he tilts his head. "Tricky thought Phobos was Pyras boyfriend. Oooooo! Hanky jelous!!!! He wants Pyra all to himsf hehehehe!"

All of them look to tricky like 'what the fuck you say?'.

"So. Mind telling me some things guys?" Sanford asked. Hes not happy.

"Phobos likes Pyra. But I told him I dont approve already." Deimos states.

Phobos nods. "This is true."

"Then we have a love triangle on our hands." Doc says as they looked at him confused and conserned.

"You mean...Hank likes her too?" Deimos asked.

Doc nods. "Found out when he was overprotective of her when she was sick."

"Shit. What are we suppost to do now? Does she even know?" Sanford asked.

"Not that I know of. At least on Hanks side." Doc says.

Deimos sighs. "If i know my sis, she picked up hints from Phobos for sure. But I dont know if she likes him or not."

In Hanks room

Pyra struggles a little from Hank after he closed and locked the door. "H-HANK! WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

He softly tossed her on his bed and then pounced right on top of her, pinning her legs with is and wrist above with one of his hands. Pyra was shocked but also blushing.

"H-hank. W-why are you d-" before she could finnish her question, Hank pulled off his face mask quicky and attacked her with kisses. Thats when she knew he was jealous. But, the only thing is, she didn't feel the same about him the way he did with her. She tries to struggle, oy for him to make a low growl to put her in place. She whimpered and suddenly had her ears and tail out. They were lowered. She grew a bit scared. Hank took noticed and stopped. He finally got his answer.

"You like him. Dont you." Hank stated.

"W-who?" Pyra asked as she shook in fear a bit.

"That bastard Phobos." Hank says. He sounded angry.

Pyra looked away in fear and sadness. Then she nods.

Hank got up. Then looked away from her. "Get out."

Pyra looked to Hank. "H-ha-"

"I SAID GET OUT!" He yelled.

Pyra got out of his room quicly and ran as fast as she can to her room, slaming the door shut.

The Cycle Of Life And Death (Madcom Story) BEING REMADE!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora