We are going to Canada!

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After the meeting with Auditor, got the truck and such ready, they began their journey to the location known as Canada. Auditor said it was far north. So thats where they head to.

Though, Phobos insisted that Pyra got into a more, comfortable car for her. They started to question this as if he was going back to his...well old self. No. Hes being a simp. And Deimos knows. And he aint allowi-.

"I'll allow it." Doc said. "Your gonna be with her too, Phobos?"

"What?!" Deimos said in shock. "I am going with them in the same car!"

"No you wont." Hank said as he goes to Pyra. He still hadnt appologize. "Im sorry about yelling. I didn't know how to handle the emotions."

Pyra was shocked. But then smiles as she hugs him. "Its ok you big goof! Just so you know, your like a big bro to me too."

Hank seemed to chuckle and pat her head. Then let her go. Though he pulls Phobos to the side. "I will talk to Deimos about you two. But, You know what I'm about to say don't you?"

"Of course. No need to waste the words. I will take good care of her." Phobos says with confidence. He also smiles, thanking Hank in his head for this. He will thank him later after Hank gets through to Deimos and hopefully Sanford too.

Once they get into their respective vehicles, they start the long drive. Phobos and Pyra however, had their own private section in a car. And if you think Hank or Doc was responsible for it. No. It was Auditor.

Phobos and Pyra had a bit of distance between them. Pyra was nervous as much as he was. But then he decides to go for it. He takes Pyras hand. "Pyra I need to tell you something."

Pyra was flustered when he took her hand. "Y-yes? W-what is it?"

"I wanted to tell you how much you mean to me. You have givin this tyrant a chance to start over a new leaf. You helped this tyrant be better. I may not have the fancy things that i did back then, but, I will tell you this." He starts. "I will make sure to not only protect and love you, but also make sure your needs are met and stay with you, no matter what happens. As a former emperor, will you become...well..."

Before he could ask her, a simple but soft kiss was planted on his cheek. Pyra smiles. "You are so over the top you know? Its cute."

Phobos got his answer. He blushed but also smiles. Hugging her and giving her kisses all over her face. Her smile and laughter gave him even more happiness than he could imagine.

On the other hand, in a different car/truck....

"I can't believe you both would trust him with her alone! In a car together! Not even watching them! What if he fucks her?!" Deimos is furious.

"So what?" Hank says. Thats when Doc got suspicious.

But deimos got even more angry. "What do you mean 'So what'? Are you implying my sister likes him? No. I refuse."

"Thats exactly what im implying. Accept it. She likes him. They both make eachother happy." Hank says.

"But...I...." deimos sounds defeated.

"You know, you can't keep holding your litter sister hostage. She is a grown woman. She can handle herself....mostly." Doc says.

"To be honest, I saw this commin." Sanford says.

Meanwile in Canada.....

Crunching of snow can be heard behind buildings. In the darkness, there were pink shades emerging from the darkness. Leaning on the corner of one of the buildings was Tricky.

The Cycle Of Life And Death (Madcom Story) BEING REMADE!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat