The Headquarters of The Status Quo

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The group had arrived. They all start to get out and help get things unloaded. Of course, Sanford wint to the wolf and told it to stay where it was out of the way.

"Oh shit! Look at that. Thats a nice dog you guys got!" A worker said.

"Yep. Found it out there surviving without a pack. So I decided to bring it back here." Sanford said proudly.

Hank looked over towards Sanford. "If that thing bites me, I will kill it." Sanford nods to his comment, knowing Hank full and well that he ment his words.

Soon Doc comes out and sees the supplies. "Good work boys. You guys go on and get some rest." And just before he goes to see what supplies there were, he sees the wolf. He knows that Sanford is responsible. "Sanford. Why do you have a wolf with you?"

"Uh, well you see. Found it all by itself. Couldn't just leave it out there and let it eat corpses for the rest of its life." Sanford said nervously.

Doc rubed his temples as he knows why Sanford took it in, but he doesnt really want this wolf in his compound.

Deimos steps in. "If it helps Doc, I can help Sanford train and raise the wolf. Dead honest this time."

Doc sees the look on Deimos's face. He knew he was serious. Ever since it came with them two, they always backed eachother up. He swore they are dating at this point. "Fine. But if it turns on anyone, you two are responible and will kill it immediately. Do I make myself clear?"

They both nod and say 'Yes sir'. Hank on the other hand was staring at the wolf. The wolf stairs back.

Hank's pov

I swear. Something about this wolf is different. It stares back at me with the same expression. Who or what is this wolf. Why did it come with us so easily. One way or another, this wolf isnt gonna hide it for too much longer.

??? Pov

Hank is staring. So I'm staring back. He knows that I was picked up. I'm not stupid. And he knows that I'm not normal for sure. I will hide it for as long as I can. If I can't figure a way out of their grasp, then I might as well consider myself dead. Suddenly, I heard a whistle. Its sanford. He's calling me to his side and follow him. Welp. Gotta comply for now. I go to his side and keep up with him. I can feel hank's burning stare at the back of my head. For now, act normal.

No ones pov

Sanford whistles over to the wolf. "Come on pup. Your gonna see Skinner real quick. Get ya checked out and make sure your in good health."

Soon the wolf started to follow. Deimos is a bit nervous. "Hey san, what if the wolf tries to bite Skinner?"

Sanford actually had no clue. But if it did, he will try to muzzle the wolf. "Most likely will muzzle it. You know how animals are at vets. They dont like shots as much as you do Dei." He chuckled at that.

"I am not scared of needles." Deimos pouts as he glares.

Soon they reached the medbay. Skinner sees them and waves. "Howdy Doo, boys. Need a checkup?"

Sanford shook his head. "Nah but, can you give this pup one? Found them on the road so I took it in. Doc said it was fine after we had a talk."

Skinner seemed surprised and happy. "A dog?! Oooo let me see! Let me see! Bring them up on the table!"

Deimos sighs. "Its not a dog. Its a wolf. And please be careful. We don't know if it's more tamed like a dog."

Skinner chuckled a bit as sanford put the wolf on the med table. "Nonsense." He says as he checks on the wolf immediately. "She will be fine."

Sanford and deimos was shocked.

"It's a girl?!" Deimos half yells in shock.

[Yo! Two chapters in a row tonight! Im on a roll. Anywho, hope you guys are enjoying cuz i aint stopping. Want you guys to have a happy thanksgiving tomorrow and hope everything goes well!]

The Cycle Of Life And Death (Madcom Story) BEING REMADE!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz