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People just loved whispering and spreading false rumours. They whispered that Daenerys was a witch who had come to destroy them or Daenerys was the god of hell, who had come to kill all of them. But Daenerys was neither of those.

"And my brother was slayed to death, by Robert Baratheon." Daenerys sat on the couch and told the story. She had been doing the same for 5 days straight, explaining the rich history of Westeros to Ashara.
"So the Baratheons always hated the Targaryens?" Ashara asked.
"No, a Baratheon was the hand of the king for Aegon the Conquer. Back to the story, Rhaegar didn't know that while he was being slayed, his son was born, my lover." She lowered her face.
"Lyanna Stark died in childbirth. Ned Stark raised him as his bastard son, so no one would kill him." Ashara put her hands on Daenerys'. A kind gesture, some would say but Ashara herself didn't know why she did that.
Daenerys looked at Ashara with eyes of pity.
"Enough about me." She rubbed the light tears forming near her eyes.
"How about you?"
"Well, I have already told you my story. It isn't as interesting as yours." Ashara grinned.
"You have no husband and you are older than me, why is that?"
"First of all, I am merely a year older than you, second of all, men are idiots. They blindly follow their love or lust." Ashara responded with disgust on her face.
"I agree, they are quite the fools."
"My queen." A maid ran into the room.
"Firebird has layed eggs. She is not letting anyone to her nest." The maid bowed.
"I fear, my time with you has to come to an end. Perhaps, you want to join me, to secure the eggs from the most dangerous dragon known to man?"
"So, you're asking me on a trip to death?" Daenerys joked.
"That's exactly what I'm asking you to do." Ashara got up.
"I suppose, I do not have anything better to do with my time." Daenerys got up with her.

"Firebird!" Ashara screamed at the top of her lungs. Firebird let out a huge growl.
"I've never seen a dragon this big." Daenerys muttered. She stared at the in awe. Firebird had large red and orange scales on her body. She had a really long tail and really large wings which were covered in red color.
"You have to see Red Venom. You'll faint at his size." Ashara said as she carried the torch near the dragon.
"I won't harm you, little girl. Your eggs will be safe with me." Ashara said in high Valyrian. The dragon cooed and touched Ashara's hair before stepping backward and revealing the eggs. There were 4 eggs. One, in a shade of grey. Two, in a shade of dark violet. Three, in a shade of brown and four, in a shade of blue. She lept forward to see the and picked up the blue one. She smiled as she remembered Craegon when he was a tiny dragon.
"The brown one and the violet one reminds me of my own dragons when they were eggs." Daenerys said as she stepped forward.
Ashara picked up the eggs and placed them in the pot of fire.
"We must secure these eggs." Ashara smiled as she kept the eggs in their pots.

Daenerys was in awe with the girl. She was a queen but she was yet so gentle and kind hearted. Daenerys thought Ashara was everything she hoped to be.
"Lord Faelys is here, my queen." The soldiers informed.
"Send him in." Ashara stated.
"Who is 'Lord Faelys'?" Daenerys curiously asked.
"I suppose in a way, my betrothed? But, it is not official yet." Ashara chuckled.
Oh Daenerys thought.
"I did not know you were engaged with someone." Daenerys muttered under her breath.
"No. It's just that he is of Valyrian blood and closer in age to me."
"I never dared to ask but, how come you have black hair while the rest of your family does not?"
"My mother comes from a family full of black haired people. I am not the only one who is black haired, Lord Faelys, who is my cousin is also black haired. It is not so uncommon, dear." Ashara explained to the girl.
There was a knock on the door. The maids opened it and it revealed Lord Faelys. Daenerys was absolutely stunned by his appearance, he looked rather like Daario.
"My queen." He smirked as he bowed.
"Lord Faelys. To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you?" Ashara walked towards him.
"I want to make our betrothal, official. So that the people can know and they can cheer." Faelys rolled his eyes towards Daenerys. He was smitten by her appearance.
Ashara took note of this however, and immediately grasped his attention.
"It is too early, don't you think?"
"I want to agree but," Faelys approached her and grasped her hands.
"We can make it official and it would benefit our realm." He sniffed her ear. Ashara felt herself falling on him as he touched her ear with his lips.
"Faelys." She whispered. He again rolled his eyes to Daenerys who distracted herself with a book, nearby.
"Who is she?" He whispered to her ear.
"My guest. I do not think it would be appropriate for us to behave in such a way infront of our guest." She pushed away.
Faelys rolled his eyes and stared at Ashara. She was truly beautiful, her lilac eyes dazzled at the light and her black hair fell back on her dress so perfectly.
"Alright, we will make it official." Ashara took a deep breath.
"Let us keep our wedding in a fortnight?"
"I couldn't agree more." Faelys chuckled.

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