prologue part 2

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Merlin p.o.v
I was sitting in my lab experimenting on some demons when mel came in and said she wanted me to follow her so I switch to my kid form because mel told me to and I follow her. Once we get to where I was being led it was the hospital in the castle. So I follow her in and see that they have a little girl they procede to tell me they want to adopt her and want each of the sins to bless her with their magical abilities if given permission and the team agreed to it so I preceded with the spell I cast saying

Let this spell give the captain and princess Elizabeth the ability to be the parents of the young girl named Elise by blood, and with the permission of the seven deadly sins I gift you with their magical abilities, first the power of infinity with this ability your magic is infinite and you will never die
Second the magical ability virtual body doubles which allows you to make copies of yourself and divide you power. Third I gift you with the magical ability creation which allows you to use the earth and create weapons. Fourth I gift you with the magical ability snatch which allows you to borrow others strength and physical attributes. Fifth I gift you with the magical ability chastifol guardian armor which gives you the ability to create a guardian armor that covers your body in super light armor made of titanium. Sixth I gift you with the magical ability sunshine which allows you to grow in strength during the daytime. Seventh I gift you with the magical abilities Full counter and hell blaze and demons blessing which allows you to use demon magic and full counter allows you to block a attack with twice the damage. Eighth I gift you with the magical ability transport which allows you to teleport. Ninth I gift you with the magical abilities Heal and the goddess blessing which allows you to use goddess magic and heal your allies. Tenth I gift you with the magical ability blackout arrow which allows you to fell any opponent. finally I will gift you with the sacred treasure that the escanor wanted me to gift to you are is gloves of the sun and sacred axe rittas gloves. Now will you accept these gifts if so answer in the sacred language.

Elise says:
Yes I accept I will love this family with all my heart meaning: mom, dad, uncle ban,aunt, Merlin, uncle escanor, Aunt Diane, uncle king, and uncle gowther. I will use your magical abilities to protect this family I want to keep you all safe I swear I will.

Merlin says:
Good and now to finish this spell I will give you one more gift the ability to stop aging at the age of 15. Now to end the spell. We the seven deadly sins accept Ms. Elise as our newest member and family the daughter of MEL AND ELIZABETH.

I finish the spell and an aura Stronger than even me and escanor. It scares even me and I finally say to Elise "welcome to the family my sweet sweet niece"

the seven deadly sins Elizabeths daughter Where stories live. Discover now